Dealumination of zeolite KL

E.E. Knyazeva, V.V. Yuschenko, F. Fajula and I.I. Ivanova

Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 135, 2001, 11-P-06 (electronic version, 8 pages).

ABSTRACT. Zeolite KL has been dealuminated by combining hydrothermal, ion exchange and acid attack treatments. The dealumination process is governed by the removal of potassium ions from cationic sites located inside the cancrinite cages which exert a long-range inductive stabilization of the framework. After extensive decationization, steam dealumination and acid dealumination allow to produce highly crystalline materials, with a global Si/Al ratio close to 10 and featuring strong acid sites.

Laboratory of Kinetics and Catalysis