The department was founded in 1944. Until 1948 the research was carried out in the laboratories of the Institute of Chemical Physics of USSR Academy of Sciences. The first head of the department was the Noble Prize laureate, Academician N.N. Semyonov.
Since 1988 the department has been headed by RAS member, Professor Anatoly Leonidovich Buchachenko.
Tel: 939-13-16
e-mail: rtn@kinet.chem.msu.ru
The major fields of research are kinetics and mechanism of photochemical, cryochemical and catalytic processes and development of new materials and technologies based on molecular-organized systems.
There are 5 laboratories within the department. The staff is 56 employees (9 Doctors of Science and 34 Candidates of Science).
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics
Head of the laboratory – Professor Mikhail Yakovlevich Melnikov
Tel/fax: 939-18-14
å-mail: melnikov@excite.chem.msu.ru
Laboratory of Photochemistry
Head of the laboratory – Professor Mikhail Georgiyevich Kuzmin
Tel/fax: 939-24-84
å-mail: kuzmin@photo.chem.msu.ru
Laboratory of Cryochemistry
Head of the laboratory – Professor Gleb Borisovich Sergeyev
Tel: 939-54-42,
fax: 939-02-83
å-mail: gbs@kinet.chem.msu.ru
Laboratory of Kinetics of Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions
Head of the laboratory – Professor Vladimir Valentinovich Smirnov
Tel: 939-34-98
å-mail: smirnov@kinet.chem.msu.ru
Laboratory of Photonics of Laser Mediums
Head of the laboratory – Professor Boris Mikhailovich Uzhinov
Tel: 939-26-85
å-mail: uzhinov@light.chem.msu.ru