The department was founded in 1988. The head of the department is Professor, Doctor of Chemistry, Yury Yakovlevich Kuzyakov.
Tel.: 939-12-93
The students specializing in laser chemistry study the changes in the substances caused by laser irradiation. One of the major fields of research is laser-induced physicochemical processes.
At present there are three laboratories within the department. The total number of staff if 28, including 3 Doctors of Science and 7 Candidates of Science.
Laboratory of Laser Diagnostics
Head of laboratory: Professor Nikita Borisovich Zorov.
Tel. 939-36-35
e-mail: zorov@laser.chem.msu.ru
Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy
Head of laboratory: Professor Yury Yakovlevich Kuzyakov.
Tel. 939-12-93
e-mail: kuzyakov@laser.chem.msu.ru
Laboratory of Laser Synthesis
Head of laboratory: Assistant Professor Felix Nikiforovich Putilin.
Tel. 939-22-83
e-mail: felix@org.chem.msu.ru