Russian International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics
Moscow, June 27 - July 2, 2005
Sections and topics
Section 1. General topics of chemical thermodynamics
- theoretical problems and novel
methods in phenomenological and statistical thermodynamics, thermodynamics of
irreversible processes
- computational methods, thermodynamic
and molecular simulation
- problems of consistence,
systematization and standardization of thermodynamic data, databases
- teaching of chemical thermodynamics
Oleg Yu. Gorbenko, Moscow State University, Chemistry Department
Vladimir A. Cherepanov, Ural State University, Ekaterinburg
Section 2. Individual substances
- new experimental results for
- development of experimental
- theoretical, computational and
correlation-based determination of thermodynamic data
- novel materials on the base of
specific substances
Bulat R. Churagulov, Moscow State University, Chemistry
Victor V. Gusarov, Institute of Chemistry of Silicates, St.-Petersburg
Section 3. Solutions and melts
- results of experimental, theoretical
and computational investigation of properties
- new experimental methods and
- investigation of chemical
equilibrium in homogenous systems
- thermodynamic and molecular models
of solutions
- technology for novel materials
Vladimir A. Durov, Moscow State University, Chemistry
German K. Moiseev, Institute of Metallurgy, Ekaterinburg
Section 4. Heterogeneous systems
- experimental and theoretical studies
of phase equilibrium, phase diagrams
- thermodynamics of phase transitions
and critical phenomena
- properties of heterogeneous systems
and methods for their study, composites
- processes of separation and
purification of substances
Vladimir P. Zlomanov, Moscow State University, Chemistry
Vladimir M. Valyashko, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry,
Section 5. Complex thermodynamic systems
- surface phenomena
- colloid systems, polymer solutions,
liquid crystals, micellar solutions
- geological multi-systems
- biological objects
Sergei N. Lanin, Moscow State University, Chemistry
Alexei I. Victorov, St.-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg