A. M. Zhavoronkova, S. V. Muginova, T. N. Shekhovtsova
Effect of the buffer solution
nature on the catalytic activity of alkaline phosphatase from seal slim
intestine and its sensitivity to the zinc(II) action
The dependence of the
catalytic activity of alkaline phosphatase from seal slim intestine in the
reaction of hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl
phosphate in buffer solutions of various nature (borate, carbonate, tris,
glycine) on their concentration and pH, was stated. The dependence of the
degree and selectivity of the enzyme inhibition with zinc(II) in inorganic and
organic buffer solutions on its concentration and presence of other metal ions,
was studied. It has been shown that the most perspective buffer solution for
the development of a sensitive and selective procedure for zinc(II)
determination based on its inhibitory effect on the enzyme is borate buffer.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002