A. Ya. Borshchevsky, V. E. Aleshina, L. N. Sidorov, A. V. Astahov, N. B. Shustova
Fluorination of [60]fullerene: Theory and Experiment
A correlation was made between
experimental data and predictions following from the suggested kinetic model
for fluorination of [60]fullerene in solid-state reactions with inorganic metal
fluorides, accompanied by distillation of the volatile products. Reactions of C60
with a series of binary and complex compounds in Knudsen cell conditions with
mass spectrometric identification of gaseous products, were conducted to test
the validity of the model. Differences in activation energies for the steps of
the reactions, associated with formation of fluorofullerenes of different
composition, were evaluated by application of the model formalism. Factors
governing the composition of the resulting products were found. This opens up
new opportunities for controllable synthesis of specific fluoroderivatives of
the desired stoichiometry. This work was financially supported by Russian
Foundation for Fundamental Research (grant 00-03-32703a).
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002