L. Ch. Korneyeva, A. V. Borisova, Y. I. Yashina, E. E. Karyakina, O. G. Voronin, S. Cosnier, A. A. Karyakin
polymerization of N-substituted pyrrols for development of novel lactate
Lactate oxidase from Pediococcus species
was immobilized into conducting polymer films on the surface of planar
electrodes modified with Prussian Blue. Polypirrole ammonium was
electropolymerized to obtain the conducting polymer. The analytical
characteristics of the resulted biosensor were: the sensitivity of 190±14
mA/M.sm2, linear dynamic range of 5´10–7 – 5´10–4 M, and high
operational stability. The applicability of lactate biosensor for food quality
control (for example,
kvass) has been shown. Effective and non-expensive biosensors for lactate
analysis may be applied in clinical diagnostics, sports medicine, food and farm
products quality control as well as for biotechnology processes.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002