E. M. Basova, V. M. Ivanov
Determination of Orthophosphate Ions In Stratal Waters for Indicator of
A brief review of methods for determination of orthophosphate ions in
different sites by spectrophotometry and flow-injection analysis for the period
1995 to 2011. Modified method of spectrophotometric determination of
orthophosphate in the form of molybdophosphoric heteropoly acid, reduced
ascorbic acid in the presence of potassium tartrate-antimonyl. The method
allows to determine the 0,1–1 mg / l orthophosphate ions in natural waters and
tested in the analysis model solution similar in composition to groundwater
Arigolskogo license area. The advantages of the developed method compared to
certified are, the speed and lower consumption of chemical reagents. The method
is suitable for tracer studies in geophysics.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002