E. V. Nurieva, A. A. Beloglazkyna, D. V. Shishov, V. V. Gogol, Y. S. Glazkova, B. Wobith, N. S. Zefirov, S. A. Kuznetsov, O. N. Zefirova
Synthesis and biotests of benzimidazole
conjugate with adamantane
The synthesis of 2-adamantyl-6-[(1H-benzimidazole-1-ylcarbonyl)amino]hexanoate
and 2-adamantyl-7-(benzimidazole-1-yl)-7-oxo-heptanoate and the results of
their testing for cytotoxicity against human lung carcinoma cells A549 are
presented in the paper. The impossibility of 5-(2-adamantyloxycarbonyl)pentylisocyanate
addition to nocodazole under various conditions is demonstrated.
Key words: benzimidazole, colchicine,
nocodazole, tubulin, cytotoxicity.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002