Yu. V. Baldokhin, Yu. D. Pertfiliev, L. A. Kulikov, M. A. Burnazyan
Oxidation of iron with different isotop
Objective of work was finding out of
features of iron oxidation with a various content of the isotopes prepared in
the form of foils, bulk samples and powders. Impurity of other elements in
samples of pure iron and iron (enrichment up to 95 %) practically were
identical. Isotope composition of a 57Fe-containing foil: 57Fe-95,1
%; (54Fe + 56Fe) – 3,0 % and 59Fe – 1,9 %.
Structural states are studied by methods of X-ray diffraction, Mőssbauer
spectroscopy of conversion and Auger-electrons, as well as on absorption of
Mőssbauer γ-quantums. Isotope effect at iron
oxidation was obviously expressed. A possible reason of the effect is the
different spin of nuclear magnetic moments of the isotopes 57Fe and 56Fe,
3/2 and 0 respectively.
Key words: iron, oxidation, messbauer
spectroscopy, isotopes, electron maicroscopy.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002