S. Yu. Zaitsev
Interfacial tensiometry method for the analysis of model systems
in comparison with blood as the most important biological liquid
Interfacial tensiometry of
various liquids is an informative colloid-chemical method for the analysis of
various liquids in many areas of sciences and medical practice. This method of
dynamic surface tension (DST) measurements proposed for the study of plasma
(serum) animal blood and mixtures of proteins, lipids and salts as model
systems. It is found that the saline affects significantly less of lecithin
aqueous dispersion in comparison with those of the proteins. The DST values and
biochemical parameters of the cows blood serum of the same sample were
obtained. Correlations between the DST values and biochemical parameters of
blood serum were found, which are both fundamental and practical importance in
laboratory diagnostics.
Key words: interfacial
tensiometery, dynamic surface tension, blood serum, biochemical parameters,
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002