A. S. Solomatin, R. Y. Yakovlev, N. B. Leonidov, G. A. Badun, M. G. Chernysheva, I. I. Kulakova, A. N. Stavrianidi, O. A. Shlyakhtin, G. V. Lisichkin
labelling amikacin and its sorption immobilization on the functionalized
Tritium labeling Amikacin was used to study its
adsorption on detonation nanodiamonds. It was observed that adsorption capacity
of carboxylated nanodiamond was two times higher than adsorption capacity of
nanodiamond with hydrogenated surface. In plateau region the adsorption values
were equal to 48 and 22 mg/g for carboxylated (Sspecif = 283±5 m2/g)
and hydrogenated (Sspecif = 289±5 m2/g)
nanodiamonds respectively. The storage of Amikacin-immobilized nanodiamonds in
aqueous suspension within one month results 9,6 and 6,4 mg/g drug release
respectively. The results of this study represent one of many components of the
rational design of nanodiamond-enabled Amikacin
delivery platforms.
Key words:
nanodiamond, amikacin, tritium-labeled compounds, adsorption, drug delivery
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002