M. G. Khrenova, S. A. Zavyalova, E. Y. Bezsudnova
mechanism of stereospecificity of transaminase from Desulfohalobium
retbaense to D-leucine revealed by molecular dynamics modeling
The paper
presents the results of a molecular dynamics study of the molecular mechanism
of experimentally observed specificity of transaminase from Desulfohalobium
retbaense (Dret) to the D-isomer of leucine. A full-atom 3D model of Dret
is constructed based on the primary sequence and crystal structures of related
enzymes. Analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories demonstrated that the α-COO-group of D-leucine forms stable hydrogen bonds with the Arg54*
in the enzyme-substrate complex, that contributes to the proper orientation of
the substrate in the active site. The formation of such complex with the
L-isomer of leucine leads to the destruction of these hydrogen bonds and
disruption of the structure of the entire active site.
Key words:
molecular modeling, molecular dynamics, stereospecificity, D-amino-acid
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002