E. L. Malankina, A. N. Kuzmenko, B. Ts. Zaychik, A. O. Ruzhitskiy, A. A. Evgrafov, L. N. Kozlovskaya
Content and component composition of
essential oil of monada housed in various phenophases
Gas chromatography analysis showed that the
ratio of essential oil components in the raw material Monarda fistulosa L.
varied depending on the phase of plant development. The tendency of
accumulation of such pharmacologically significant components as thymol and
thymoquinone in the essential oil of plants to the period of completion of
flowering is revealed. The maximum content of essential oil in the raw material
was observed in the phase of mass flowering of plants (1.77%). During this
period, a high content of intermediate products of phenol biosynthesis was cut
off (α-terpineol – 37.74% and n-cimene –
4.85%). The thymol content increased (to 48.95%) and the carvacrol content
decreased (from 20.99 to 2.29%) during the transition from the budding phase to
the end of flowering phase. The tendency of plants to accumulate in essential
oil by the end of flowering of such a pharmacologically significant component
as thymoquinone (from 3.39 to 17.65%) was revealed.
Key words: Monarda fistulosa L.,
essential oil, component composition, thymol, thymoquinone, gas chromatography
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002