Vladimir N. Matveenko, Eugine A. Kirsanov
of structured liquids. addiction dynamic modules from strain amplitude
Abstract. A new interpretation is proposed for the dependence
of dynamic moduli on the deformation amplitude during shear vibrations
occurring at a fixed vibration frequency. It is based on a structural
rheological model, which includes the kinetic equations for the formation and destruction of particle aggregates under
the action of an oscillating shear flow. Rheological equations have been
obtained that are able to approximate rheological curves in separate sections
with different amplitudes of shear deformation. The possibilities of the new
rheological model are shown on the example of two polymer systems filled with
solid particles.
Key words: structural
rheological model, viscoelastic properties, dynamic moduli and strain
amplitude, filled polymer melts
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002