Elena L. Malankina, Alexey N. Kuzmenko, Aleksandr A. Evgrafov, Svetlana L. Evgrafova, Boris T. Zaychik, Aleksandr O. Ruzhitskiy,
features of varieties long-leaved mint (Mentha
Abstract. The work determined the content of phenolic compounds and
essential oil of 4 samples of of Mentha longifolia L. of various
origins. As a result of the GC-MS analysis of the essential oil, significant
intraspecific variability in the component composition was revealed. Mentha
longifolia L. accumulates predominantly oxygenated monoterpenes formed
according to the following scheme limonene – piperitenone – piperitone or
pulegone, and their derivatives, in most cases without synthesizing in large
quantities the following in the chain of biosynthesis, menthone and menthol,
which are characteristic of peppermint.
Key words: Mentha longifolia, phenolic compounds, essential oil,
piperitenon, piperitone, pulegone
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002