Table of Contents Volume 41, Number 5 (2000)
Polikarpov E.V., Shabatina T.I., Sergeyev G.B., Nemukhin A.V.
Structure and Spectra of the Ag(C6H5CN)2 Complexes.
Lunin B.S., Torbin S.N.
Acoustic Losses in Some Types of Silica Glasses
Kreisberg V.A., Rakcheyev V.P.
Diffusion Diagnostics of Micro- and Mesoporous Structure of Adsorbents
Boltalina A.I., Knyazeva E.E., Zhilinskaya E.A., Aboukais A., Romanovskii B.V.
Quenching of Paramagnetic Centers in Iron-Containing Zeolites
Novosadov B.K.
Algebraic Structure of the Electronic Energy Molecular Functional at the One-Determinant Level
Vigasin A.A., Makarov V.N.
Dissociation Rate Constants for Diatomics and Quasidiatomic Dimers
Yermakova N.V., Burmaa Dashdendev, Ivanov V.M., Figurovskaya V.N.
Determination of Lanthanum (III), Terbium (III), and Erbium (III) in Alkali Metals Halogenides and Sulphates Doped Rare-Earth Elements
Kovaliov I.A., Sorokina N.M., Tsyzin G.I.
Choice of an Effective Sorbent for Dynamic Preconcentration of Heavy Metals from Solutions
Yazev O.V., Ustynyuk Yu.A.
Theoretical Investigation of Structure and Properties of Tetraaminoethylene by Ab Initio and Density Functional Theory Methods
Savelev O.Yu., Mstislavskii V.I., Zemlyanskii N.N., Borisova I.V., Ustynyuk Yu.A.
Synthesis of 5-(Dimethylchlorosilyl)-1,3-Di(Tert-Butyl)-Cyclopentadiene and Investigation of Its [1,5]-Elementotropic Rearrangement by Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-1H
Oliferenko A.A., Pisarev S.A., Palyulin V.A., Zefirov N.S.
An Evaluation of S-Character of Halogens in Their Principal Valence from Analysis of the Valence Shell Electron Pairs Geometry
Bochenkov V.E., Zagorskii V.V., Sergeyev G.B.
Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of Samarium-1,3,5-Tri(Tert-Butyl)-Benzene Complex in Solid Phase
Filatova E.A., Yakovleva N.A., Semenenko K.N.
Calorimetry Investigation of the Intermetallic LaNi4.5Mn0.3Al0.2 Compound with Hydrogen
Leonova M.E., Bdikin I.K., Gulish O.K., Sevastyanova L.G., Semenenko K.N.
A Supercompressed State of Substance in the MeBi System with Me=Na and Li
Bekman I.N., Balek V., Matushek G., Kettrup A.
Adsorption and Transport Characteristics of Charcoal Fibers
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