PhD student, junior researcher
Alexey V. Bogdanov was born in 1988, February 11. He has been working in the laboratory of chemical kinetics since 2007 under the guidance of Prof. A. Kh. Vorobiev. In 2010 graduated cum laude from Chemical Department of MSU with thesis "Rotational mobility and rate of photoisomerization of substituted azobenzenes in glassy polystyrene". At present he is a post-graduate student at Chemistry Department.
Scientific Interests
photochemistry, structure of matter, molecular dynamics
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,
Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3,
lab. 128a
Tel: +7(495) 9394900
E-mail: abc.co@mail.ru
- Bogdanov A. V., Vorobiev A. Kh. Rotational mobility and rate of
photoisomerization of spin-labeled azobenzenes in glassy polystyrene,
Chem. Phys. Lett., 506, 46 (2011). PDF
- Bogdanov A., Bobrovsky A., Ryabchun A., Vorobiev A. Laser-induced
holographic scattering in a liquid-crystalline azobenzene containing
polymer, Phys. Rev. E. 85, 011704 (2012). PDF