PhD in Chemistry, junior researcher
Oleg I. Gromov was born in 1986, October 31. Entered to the Chemical Department of MSU in 2004, in 2007 joined the chair of chemical kinetics. In 2010 he defended a diploma work on "ESR spectra and reactivity of alkyl Cu(II) complexes: quantum chemical modeling", then continued to work as a junior researcher. Ph.D thesis defense was in 2013 on the theme "Structure and reactivity of chlorooranocuprates" (in Russian)
Scientific interests
transition metal complexes photochemistry and quantum-chemical modeling of their ESR spectra
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,
Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3,
lab. 129 |
Tel: +7(495) 9391012
E-mail: alchm@rambler.ru |
- E.N.Golubeva, O.I. Gromov, G.M.Zhidomirov. Cu(II)-Alkyl Chlorocomplexes: Stable Compounds or Transients? DFT Prediction of their Structure and EPR Parameters // J. Phys. Chem. A. 2011. V.115. N.28. P.8147-8154.
- Gromov O.I., Zubanova E.M., Golubeva E.N., Plyusnin V.F., Zhidomirov G.M., Melnikov M.Ya. UV-Vis Identification and DFT-Assisted Prediction of Structures of Cu(II)-Alkyl Chlorocomplexes // J. Phys. Chem. A. 2012. V. 116. P. 11581-11585.
Громов О.И., Голубева Е.Н., Жидомиров Г.М., Мельников М.Я. Соединения со связью медь(II)-углерод: ЭПР-спектроскопия и квантовая химия // Доклады АН. 2013. Т. 451. № 1. С. 57-59.