senior researcher, Ph.D. in Chemistry
Ilya A. Leenson was born in 1945, April 18.
1962 - 1967: a student of Chemistry Department, Moscow State University.
1967 - 1972: assistant at Interdepartmental Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow State University.
1972: Ph.D. on "Kinetics and mechanism of radical reactions of tetranitromethane, nitrogen tetraoxide and nitrosobenzene with olefins.
1972 - 1977: Junior Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University.
1977 - 1988: Senior Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University.
Since 1988, Associate Professor, Chemical Kinetics Chair, Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University.
In 1995 - 2008 the author of the problems and a jury member of Russian Chemical Olympiads.
In 1996 the author of the problems for the Moscow International Chemistry Olympiad.
In the late 80's participated in several summer schools "Chimera" (Chemistry) and since 1994 in the Summer Linguistic Schools (Materials published by the Moscow Center of Continuous Mathematical Education).
In 1995 - 1997: the author of problems and a jury member of the Intellectual Marathon for schoolchildren in Moscow in the natural sciences.
Hobbies: popularization of science, numismatics.
Awards and honours
Certificates and Letters of Thanks from the Dean of Chemistry Department, from the Rector of Moscow State University, from Society "Knowledge", from Russian Mendeleev Chemical Society. Diploma from the Ministry of Education. Was awarded the Badge of Honor "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russian Federation" (2004) and the Jubilee Award "250 years of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (2004).
Scientific Interests
School and university teaching, popularization of science.
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,
Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3 |
E-mail: ilya.leenson@gmail.com |
Selected Publications
- Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Chemical Equilibrium in Solution. Multipurpose Experiment in Physical Chemistry Course. J.Chem.Educ., 1986, v. 63, N. 5, ננ 437 - 441.
- Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. J.Chem.Educ., 1997, v. 74, N. 4, pp 424-425.
- Ernest Rutherford, Avogadro' Number and Chemical Kinetics. J.Chem.Educ., 1998, v. 75, N. 8, pp 998-1003.
- Arrhenius Equation and Storage of Food in a Frezer. J.Chem.Educ., 1999, v. 76, N. 4, pp 504-505.
- Old Rule of Thumb and the Arrhenius Equation. J.Chem.Educ., 1999, v. 75, N. 10, pp 1459-1460.
- Approaching Equilibrium in N2O4 - NO2 System: Common Mistake in Textbooks. J.Chem.Educ., 2000, v. 76, N. 12, pp. 1652-1656.
- Sulfuric Acid and Water: Paradoxes of Dilution. J.Chem.Educ., 2004, v. 80, N. 7, ננ 991-995.
- Sublimation of Iodine at Various Pressures. Multipurpose Experiments in Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. J.Chem.Educ., 2005, vol. 82, N. 2, pp 241-246.
- How Radioactive Are You? J.Chem.Educ., 2006, vol. 83, N. 2, p. 214.
Solving Challenging Problems is the Best Way to Learn and Understand Chemistry (plenary lecture). In: Current issues in degree level European chemical education; 1st European conference in chemical education, Budapest, Hungary, 1998, pp 3-7.
Translated from the English 26 biographies and Nobel Laureates lectures on chemistry and physics. Publ. In: Nobel Peace Prize.Chemistry: [trans.]. - Moscow: Fizmatlit: MAIK Nauka / Interperiodica ", 2006-2007. Vols 3-11
- Churikov A., Ivanishchev A., Ushakov A., Gamayunova I., Leenson I., Thermodynamics of LiFePO4 solid-phase synthesis using iron(II) oxalate and ammonium dihydrophosphate as precursors. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2013, vol. 58, pp 1747-1759.
- I.A. Leenson, J. Beckman, A. A. Krutikova, and A. A. Ischenko.
Engineering Applications of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials. R. Tayade, Ed. Trans Tech Publications. Uetikon - Zurich, Switzerland. 2013, Chapter X.