Rem E. Mardaleyshvili (1924 - 1993) |
Rem E. Mardaleyshvili was born in Tbilisi, in 1924, July 17.In 1946 he entered Chemical Department of MSU. At 3rd year of University he joined to the Chair of Chemical Kinetics under guidance of V.V. Voevodsky. In 1955 he defended PhD dissertation. In 1960 Rem E. Mardaleyshvili was given the position of senior researcher on the Chair of Chemical Kietics. Scientific interests of R.E. Mardaleyshvili were connected with kinetics and mechanism of heterogenic catalytic reactions of hydrogenation and isomerization of olefines, synthesis and decomposition of ammonia, trimerization of acetylene etc. As well as he studied nture of adsorption centers of metallic and oxidic catalysts in processes of gas adsorption. R.E. Mardaleyshvili has formulated conceptions about kinetical nature of selective action of heterogenic catalysts, he has found some regularities of catalysts poisoning and has suggested some methods of poisoning prevention.
R.E. Mardaleyshvili is co-author of more than 70 scientific works and author of many original experimental setups.
R.E. Mardaleyshvili was scientific advisor of students, post-graduate students and trainees from Russia, China, Vietnam, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic.