Mikhail Ya. Melnikov
Dr. Sci, Prof., chief researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics
1991 Professor, Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
1984 Dr. Sci., Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Title of thesis - "The Mechanism and Kinetics of Photoradical Processes in Solids" (defended April 6, 1984).
1973 Ph.D., Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. Title of thesis - "The Direct and Sensibilized Photolysis of Aliphatic Aldehyds and Ketones at 77 K" (Supervisor: Assistant Professor Nataliya Fock; defended: October 14, 1973).
1964-1969 M.S., Chemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Diploma Title: "The Mechanism of Doublephoton Sensitized by Aromatic Compounds Reactions" (Supervisor: Assistant Professor Nataliya Fock; defended June 19, 1969).
2011-present: member of Editorial Boards of "Advances Material Science", "J. Phys. Chem. & Biophys.".
2010-present: member of Editorial Board of "Advanced Materials Letters".
2006-present: Senior Editor of "Russian Nanotechnologies".
2004-present: member of Editorial Board of "International Journal of Applied Chemistry".
1993-1995: Vice-Dean, Department of Chemistry of Moscow Lomonosov State University.
1993-present: Senior Editor of "Bulletin of Moscow University. Chemistry".
Scientific interests
Photochemistry and chemistry of active intermediates (radicals, radical cations, radical anions, carbenes, silylenes etc.), photochemistry and photophysics of coordination compounds, chemical kinetics in solids, photochemical and thermal reactions on activated surfaces, catalysis, radiation chemistry, farmachemistry, nanochemistry.
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,
Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3, lab 125
Tel: +7-495-939-1814
E-mail:melnikov@excite.chem.msu.ru, melnikov46@mail.ru
Awards and honours
2012 Russian Federation Government Award in the field of Education.
2008 Honoured worker of Science of Russian Federation.
2007 Emanuel Medal of RAS and MSU for eminent improvement in chemical and biochemical kinetics.
2003 Russian State Lomonosov Award in Science.
2001 Honoured worker of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Lectures "Practical Chemical Kinetics", "Farmakodinamics and farmakokinetics"
Selected publications
- Mel'nikov M.Ya., Smirnov V.A. "Handbook of
Photochemistry of Organic Radicals: Absorption and
Emission Properties, Mechanisms, Aging", Begell
House Inc., N-Y., 1996, 355 p.
- Mel'nikov M.Ya., Razskazovskii Yu.V. Reactions of thiyl radicals in the solid phase. In: S-centered radicals (ed. Z.Alfassi), John Wiley&Sons Ltd., 1999, London, p.225-244.
- Shimanovskii N.L., Epinetov M.A., Mel’nikov M.Ya. Molecular and Nanofarmacology. Fizmatlit Publ. 2010, 624
- Fock N.V., Mel’nikov M.Ya. “Chemical Kinetics in Problem”, Moscow, Higher Education, 1982
- Mel’nikov M.Ya. et al. “Experimental Methods of Chemical Kinetics”, Moscow, MSU Publ., 1982
- Mel’nikov M.Ya. Electronically excited radicals. In: “Physical Chemistry. Modern Problems”, Moscow, Mir Publ., 1987, p.48-88 (in Russian)).
- Mel’nikov M.Ya. at al. Practical Chemical Kinetics. Moscow, MSU Publ., 2006, 592 p.
- Mel’nikov M.Ya. at al. Experimental Methods of High Energy Chemistry. MSU Publ. 2009, 824 p.
- Mel'nikov M.Ya. Active intermediates in photoradical ageing of polymers. Intern.J. Polymeric Mater., 1996, V.32, p.1-52.
- Mel’nikov M.Ya., Feldman V.I. “Matrix effects” inl reactions of organic radical cations in ground and excited states in solids. High Energ. Chem., 2000, V.34, N 4, p.279-288
- Weinstein J.A., Kovelenov Y.A., Blake A.J., George M.W., Matousek P., Melnikov M.Ya., Parker A.W., Portius P., Xue-Zhong Sun, Towrie M., Wilson C. Pt(II) mono-carbonyl complexes of a cyclometallating 2-(2'-thienyl-pyridinato-C,3N') ligand: nature and dynamics of the lowest excited state of the chloro- and thiolato-complexes. // J.Chem.Soc., Dalton Tran., 2005, N 12, P.2092-2097.
- Levinbuk M.I., Kozyukov E.A., Smorodinskaya I.Y., Melnikov M.Y., Kapustin V.M., Lebedev A.A., Zuber V.I. Alternatives to improving FCC performance // Catalysis 12(2) 2007 p. 51-57.
- Mel’nikov M.Ya., Pergushov V.I., Osokina N.Yu. Matrix
isolation of intermediates on the activated silica
surface: mechanisms and efficiencies of photochemical
reactions of peroxy radicals. // Spectrochimica Acta,
Part A: Mol. & Biomol. Spectroscopy, 2000, V.56,
N 13, p.2517-2525.
Scientific collaboration
- N.N. Senemov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Moscow, http://www.chph.ras.ru/
N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS, Moscow, http://sky1.chph.ras.ru/
N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Moscow http://www.ioc.ac.ru
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Chernogolovka http://www.icp.ac.ru
Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion RAS, Novosibirsk http://www.kinetics.nsc.ru
Astrakhan State University http://www.aspu.ru
The Russian State Medical University (RSMU), Moscow, http://www.rsmu.ru
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow http://www.gubkin.ru
Scientific Grants (2000-2013)
- 2011-2013 Molecular rotors - luminescence sensors of microenvironment in chemical and biological systems (RFBR)
- 2011-2013 Activation of carbon dioxide in carbon-carbon bond formation in fluorine-containing media (RFBR)
- 2009- 2011 Biologically active substances in herbs of reserves of province Ngean of Vietnam and the Astrakhan area of Russia (Homalonema occulta, Nelum bo nucifera, Scoparia dulcis, Stemona tuberosa, Syzygium jambolana, Psychotria montana, Celastrus hindsu). Allocation, structure, antineoplastic, antioxidative and hormonogenic properties, dynamics effects on the modeling cellular systems, the directed search of synthetic analogues (RFBR)
- 2009-2011 Photoactive molecular and supramolecular systems based on coordination compounds: towards effective systems for solar energy conversion and biomolecular probing
- 2008-2010 Mechanisms of activation and oxidizing action of dioxygen on organic and inorganic substances in fluorinated media (RFBR)
- 2007-2009 Reactivity of O- and S-containing heterocyclic radical cations in electronically excited states: mechanisms, efficiency, selectivity, matrix effects (RFBR)
- 2007-2009 ÓReactivity of O- and S-containing heterocyclic radical cations in electronically excited states: mechanisms, efficiency, selectivity, matrix effects (RFBR)
- 2004-2006 The elaboration of new type anti-metastatic drugs (FASIE)
- 2004-2006 ÐDevelopment and implementation of an Internet technology for the all-Russia network for informational support of scientific research and innovations in chemistry and related fields (RFBR)
- 2004-2006 Reactivity of elementorganic radical cations in electronically excited states: mechanisms, efficiency, selectivity, matrix effects (RFBR)
- 2001-2003 Reactivity of organic radical cations in electronically excited states: mechanisms, efficiency, selectivity, matrix effects (RFBR)
- 2001-2003 Development and implementation of an Internet technology for the all-Russia
network for informational support of scientific research in chemistry (RFBR)
- 2000-2003 Radiation-induced radical cations in condensed phases: from basic studies to prospective application (INTAS)