
Leading researcher, PhD in Chemistry
Born 06 January 1947. 1970 - Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University. 1978 - PhD in Chemistry. Laureath of Lomonosov Award (2005).
V.I. Pergushov is co-author of about 100 scientific articles. He was scientific advisor of 10 diploma works and one PhD work (Osokina N. Yu.).
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3, lab 131
Tel: +7(495) 9394900
E-mail: pergushov@yandex.ru
Scientific Interests
Mechanisms of photochemical reactions, kinetics and dynamics of radical processes.
Selected publications
- Radzig V.A., Ustynyuk L.Yu., Osokina N.Yu., Pergushov V.I., Mel'nikov M.Ya. Photocyclization of substituted allyl radicals and properties of the resulting cyclopropyl radicals. J. Phys. Chem. 1998. v.102. ¹27. p.5220-5227
- V. I. Pergushov, N. Yu. Osokina, and M. Ya. Mel’nikov. Efficiency of Photodissociation of Alkylperoxy Radicals Grafted to an Activated Silicon Dioxide Surface. High Energy Chemistry. 1998. V.32. ¹6. p. 399
- N. Yu. Osokina, V. I. Pergushov, and M. Ya. Mel’nikov. Radical Chain Photoreactions Involving Alkylperoxides Grafted onto an Activated Surface of Silicon Dioxide. High Energy Chemistry. 2000. V.34. ¹1. p. 37.
- Mel'nikov M.Ya., Osokina N.Yu., Pergushov V.I. Matrix isolation of intermediates on the activated silica surface : mechanisms and efficiencies of photochemical reactions of peroxy radicals. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A: Mol. & Biomol. Spectroscopy. 2000. v.56. ¹13. p.2517-2525.
- E. A. Belokon’, V. I. Pergushov, D. A. Tyurin, M. P. Egorov, and M. Ya. Mel’nikov. Photoinduced Transformations in Low-Temperature Matrices Containing Radical Cations
of Organotin Compounds. High Energy Chemistry. 2005, V.39, ¹ 4, p. 224.
- E. A. Belokon’, V. N. Belevskii, E. N. Golubeva, V. I. Pergushov,
M. P. Egorov, and M. Ya. Mel’nikov. Photochemical Transformations of 1,3,5-Trioxane Radical Cations in Freonic Matrices at 77 K. High Energy Chemistry. 2006, V.40, ¹ 4, p. 259.
- Chumakova N.A., Pergushov V.I., Vorobiev A.Kh., Kokorin A.I. Rotational and translational mobility of nitroxide spin probes in ionic liquids and molecular solvents. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2010, v.39, ¹4, p.409-421.
- B. Y. Mladenova, N.A. Chumakova, V.I. Pergushov, A.I. Kokorin, G. Grampp, D.R. Kattnig Rotational and translational diffusion of spin probes in room temperature ionic liquids. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012, v.116, ¹40, p.12295-12305.