PhD student
Daria A. Pomogailo was born in 1989, March 24. In 2005 she entered Chemical Department of MSU. She began work at the Chemical Kinetic department in 2006, in 2010 graduated Chemical department of MSU.
The subject of diploma work was "Orientational distribution functions of new spin probes". Scientific adviser - Chumakova Natalia. In 2009 at XXVII Russian school - symposium of young scientists on chemical kinetics and in 2010 at International Conference of postgraduate students, students and young scientists "Lomonosov-2010" was awarded diplomas.
Hobbies: figure skating, piano.
Scientific interests
spin probes, liquid crystals
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,
Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3,
lab. 128a |
Tel: +7(495) 9394900
E-mail: texafirin@ya.ru
T.S. Yankova, N.A. Chumakova, D.A. Pomogailo, A.Kh. Vorobiev, Orientational order of guest molecules in aligned liquid crystal as measured by EPR and UV–vis techniques, Liquid crystals, V. 40(8), 2013, pp. 1135-1145.
- Natalia A. Chumakova, Daria A. Pomogailo, Tatiana S. Yankova and Andrey Kh. Vorobiev, The novel stable nitroxide radicals as perspective spin probes for study of orientation order of liquid crystals and polymers, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst. 540 (2011) 196-204
- T.S.Yankova, N.A.Chumakova, D.A.Pomogailo, A.Kh.Vorobiev, Spin probe orientation distribution functions in aligned nematic liquid crystal, Magnetic Resonance in Solids Electronic Journal 13 (2) (2011) 10-13