researcher, PhD in Chemistry
I. Yu. Skrepleva was born in 1982, 23 September. 1999-2004 - student in Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas.
2004 - Diploma thesis "Oxidation of sulfur and nitrogen oxides in superacids".
2007- Defended dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences "Low-temperature activation of molecular oxygen in an environmentally safe process of oxidation".
2007 - joined to the Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics.
I. Yu. Skrepleva is co-author of 9 publications.
Educational work in Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas:
seminars and laboratory work on the course "Physical and chemical methods of analysis" (section "Electrochemical Methods");
lectures on "Ecology".
Awards and honours
Winner of the Fifth All-Russian conference of young scientists, professionals and students on the gas industry in Russia "New Technologies in Gas Industry", report "Singlet oxygen as a superacids cocatalyst" (II place). Moscow, 23-26 September 2003.
Gold medal for the development of "Method of cleaning exhaust flue gases from toxic oxides". IX International Salon of Industrial Property "Archimedes-2006".
Winner of All-Russian competition "Engineer of the Year" in the category "Ecology and Environmental Monitoring (Technology and Monitoring), 2006.
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,
Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3,
lab. 125 |
Tel: +7(495) 9391814
E-mail: Skrepleva-IY@yandex.ru |
Scientific Interests
Homogeneous catalysis, kinetics, oxidation, active forms of molecular oxygen, fluorine-containing compounds.
Selected publications
- Sidorenkova I. A., Yakimova (Skrepleva) I. Yu., Vishnetskaya M. V., Ponomareva O. A. Superacids as catalysts of oxidation processes. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2005. V. 79. N. 8. P. 1526-1527.
Vishnetskaya M. V., Yakimova (Skrepleva) I. Yu., Sidorenkova I. A. Superacids as catalysts of the oxidation of inorganic substrates. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2006. V.80. N. 2. P. 236-238.
- Vishnetskaya M. V., Yakimova (Skrepleva) I. Yu., Sidorenkova I. A. The catalytic oxidation of organic compounds in superacids. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2006. V.80. N. 2. P. 239-243.
- Vishnetskaya M. V., Zavorotnyj V. A., Yakimova (Skrepleva) I. Yu., Sidorenkova I. A., Nazaretova A. A., Mishustina L. A. Method of cleaning exhaust flue gases from toxic oxides. Patent RU N. 2292939. 10.02.2007. Bull. N. 4.
- Vishnetskaya M. V., Sidorenkova I. A., Yakimova (Skrepleva) I. Yu. Method of oxidation of hydrocarbons. Patent RU N. 2331624. 20.08.2008. Bull. N. 23.
Scientific grants
- 2008-2010 Project of RFBR ¹ 08-03-00388-à "Mechanisms of activation and oxidizing action of dioxygen on organic and inorganic substances in fluorinated media". Implementer.
- 2007-2008 Project of Foundation for promotion of small enterprises in scientific and technical sphere ¹ 7131 "Design and manufacture of low-temperature multifunction oxidation catalysts of new generation". Ñhief.
Scientific collaboration
Gubkin Russian State University of oil and gas, http://www.gubkin.ru