researcher, PhD
Janna Ya. Smorodinskaya was born in 1940, March 28. J. Ya. Smorodinskaya entered Chemical Deprtment of MSU in 1958. In 1964 she defended diploma work ("Kinetics of decomposition of ammonia and deuteroammonia on palladium". She joined the Chair of Chemical Kinetics in 1958 as laboratory assistant, in 1965 as junior researcher, in 1987 as researcher. In 1980 J.Ya. Smorodinskaya defended PhD (thesis title: "Investigation of nature and ratio of adsorption centers and catalytic centers on the surface of porous platinum" J. Ya. Smorodinskaya is co-author of 30 publications, 7 diploma students defended under her guidance.
Hobbies - classical music, dogs (puddles), summer residence.
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,
Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3, lab 129
Tel: +7(495) 9391012
Fax: +7(495) 9398846
E-mail: janna280340@mail.ru
Scientific interests
Kinetics of gas-phase reactions (cracking, isomerization of aliphatic carbohydrates)for simulation of oil processing on novel modification of Y-zeolite (LAY).
Selected publications
- M.I.Levinbuk, M.L.Pavlov, L.M.Kustov, A.V.Kazakov, Y.I.Azimova, J.Ya.Smorodinskaya,
J.P.Fraissard. Phisicochemical and catalytic properties of a new modification of as-synthesized
Aluminum-deficient Y zeolite. Applied Catalysis.Vol. 172 (1), 1998, p.177-191.
- J.Ya.Smorodinskaya, Yu.I.Azimova, M.I.Levinbuk, M.Ya.Melnikov. Adsorption, acidic and
catalytic properties of decationized low-alumina zeolites obtained through direct synthesis.
Proceedings of the12-th International Zeolite Conference. Baltimore, July 5-10,1998.
Elsevier.V.1, 1999, p.2651-2659.
- M.I.Levinbuk, L.M.Kustov, T.V.Vasina, V.A. Khavkin, J.Ya.Smorodinskaya, Yu.I.Azimova.
New catalysts for production of gazolines, diesel fluels and lubricants with improved
environmental and operation characteristics on existing hydroprocessing units.
17-th North American Catalysts Soceity Meeting. June 3-8, 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
p. 206-208.
- M.I. Levinbuk, E.A.Kozyukov, J.Ya.Smorodinskaya, M.Ya.Melnikov, V.M.Kapustin,
A.A.Lebedev, V.I.Zuber. Alternatives to improving FCC performance. Catalysis Review.
Vol.12, N.2, 2007, p. 51-57.
Scientific colaborations