Ph.D. Student
Ekaterina M. Zubanova was born at 25 of July, 1989.
Oct, 2011-present Ph.D. student of Lomonosov Moscow State University (supervisor Elena N. Golubeva, Mikhail Ya. Melnikov)/
June, 2011 - M.Sc. in Chemistry, cum laude
Diploma work subject "Photochemistry of tetrahexylammonium tetrachlorocuprates in low-temperature matrices" (supervisor Elena N. Golubeva)
2006-2011 - Student of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Hobby: painting, skiing
Scientific Interests
photochemistry of cooper (II) complexes, quantum chemistry
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics,
Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3,
lab. 129
Tel: +7(495) 9391012
E-mail: kate_zub@mail.ru
- Lobanov A.V., Golubeva E.N., Zubanova E.M., Mel'nikov M.Ya. High Energy Chemistry, 2009, V. 43, N. 5, P. 384-390.
- Elena N. Golubeva, Ekaterina M. Zubanova, Georgii M. Zhidomirov, The nature of Cu-C bond and copper oxidation state in chloroorganocuprates [CuClnCH3]2-n, J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2013, V. 26 (9), P. 724-729.
- Oleg I. Gromov, Ekaterina M. Zubanova, Elena N. Golubeva, Victor F. Plyusnin, Georgii M. Zhidomirov, and Mikhail Ya. Melnikov, UV-Vis Identification and DFT-Assisted Prediction of Structures of Cu(II)-Alkyl Chlorocomplexes, J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116 , 11581-11585.
- E.M. Zubanova, E.N. Golubeva, G.M. Zhidomirov, Metastability of copper (II) organic compounds: Molecular dynamics simulation, Doklady Physical Chemistry 2012, 446, 145-148
Scientific collaborations
Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany (prof. R.J.Buenker) http://www.uni-wuppertal.de