Chair of Chemical Kinetics
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics
Publications of the Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics (2007-2013)
2013 ã.
- Elena N. Golubeva, Ekaterina M. Zubanova, Georgii M. Zhidomirov, The nature of Cu-C bond and copper oxidation state in chloroorganocuprates [CuClnCH3]2-n, J. Phys. Org. Chem.2013, V. 26 (9), P. 724-729.
- T.S. Yankova, N.A. Chumakova, D.A. Pomogailo, A.Kh. Vorobiev, Orientational order of guest molecules in aligned liquid crystal as measured by EPR and UV–vis techniques, Liquid crystals, V. 40(8) (2013) 1135-1145.
- Volkova Yu.A., Budynina E.M., Kaplun A.E., Ivanova O.A., Chagarovskiy A. O., Skvortsov D.A., Rybakov V.B., Trushkov I.V., Melnikov M.Ya. Duality of Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropane Reactivity as Three-Carbon Component in a Five-Membered Ring Construction: (3+2) Annulation vs (3+2) Cycloaddition, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 6586-6590.<
- Churikov A., Ivanishchev A., Ushakov A., Gamayunova I., Leenson I., Thermodynamics of LiFePO4 solid-phase synthesis using iron(II) oxalate and ammonium dihydrophosphate as precursors // Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, vol. 58 (2013) pp 1747-1759.
- I.A. Leenson, J. Beckman, A. A. Krutikova, and A. A. Ischenko.
Engineering Applications of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials. R. Tayade, Ed. Trans Tech Publications. Uetikon - Zurich, Switzerland. 2013, Chapter X.
- A. Bogdanov, A. Bobrovsky, A. Ryabchun, A. Vorobiev, Laser-induced holographic light scattering in a liquid-crystalline azobenzene-containing polymer // Physical Review E 85 (2012) 011704.
- B.Y. Mladenova, N.A. Chumakova, V.I. Pergushov, A.I. Kokorin, G. Grampp, and D.R. Kattnig, Rotational and Translational Diffusion of Spin Probes in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids // J. Phys. Chem. B 116 (40) (2012) 12295-12305.
- I.D. Gridnev, A.Kh. Vorobiev, Quantification of Sophisticated Equilibria in the Reaction Pool and Amplifying Catalytic Cycle of the Soai Reaction // ACS Catalysis 2 (2012) 2137-2149.
- Gridnev I.D., Vorob'ev A.Kh., Raskatov E.A., Role of Oligomerization in Soai Reaction: Structures, Energies, Possible Reactivity. In "The Soai Reaction and Related Topics" Artestampa - Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Modena, (2012) pp. 79-122.
- T.S. Yankova, A.Yu. Bobrovsky, A.Kh. Vorobiev, Order parameters , and of aligned nematic LC-polymer as determined by numerical simulation of EPR spectra // J. Phys. Chem. B 116 (2012) 6010.
- A.Kh. Vorobiev, T.S. Yankova, N. A. Chumakova, Orientation distribution function and order parameters of oriented spin probe as determined by EPR spectroscopy // Chemical Physics 409 (2012) 61-73.
- T. Yankova, D. Huevonen, S. Muehlbauer, D. Schmidiger, E. Wulf, S. Zhao, A. Zheludev, T. Hong, V.O. Garlea, R. Custelcean and G. Ehlers, Crystals for neutron scattering studies of quantum magnetism // Philosophical magazine, V. 92, Nos. 19-21 (2012) 2629-2647.
- D. Huåvonen, S. Zhao, M. Mansson, T. Yankova, E. Ressouche, C. Niedermayer, M. Laver, S. N. Gvasaliya, and A. Zheludev, Field-induced criticality in a gapped quantum magnet with bond disorder // Physical Review B 85 (2012) 100410(R).
- V.N. Glazkov, T.S. Yankova, J. Sichelschmidt, D. Huåvonen, A. Zheludev, Electron spin resonance study of anisotropic interactions in a two-dimensional spin-gap magnet (C4H12N2)(Cu2Cl6) // Physical Review B 85 (2012) 054415.
- E.M. Zubanova, E.N. Golubeva, G.M. Zhidomirov, Metastability of copper (II) organic compounds: Molecular dynamics simulation // Doklady Physical Chemistry 446 (2012) 145-148.
- Oleg I. Gromov, Ekaterina M. Zubanova, Elena N. Golubeva, Victor F. Plyusnin, Georgii M. Zhidomirov, and Mikhail Ya. Melnikov, UV-Vis Identification and DFT-Assisted Prediction of Structures of Cu(II)-Alkyl Chlorocomplexes // J. Phys. Chem. A V. 116 (2012) 11581-11585.
- S.F. Parker, K. Refson, R.D. Bennett, J. Best, M.Ya Mel'nikov, J.A. Weinstein, Assignment of Metal-Ligand Modes in Pt(II) Diimine Complexes Relevant to Solar Energy Conversion // Inorganic Chemistry v. 51 No 18 (2012) 9748-9756.
- I.D. Sorokin, O.L. Melnikova, V.I. Pergushov, D.A. Tyurin, V.I. Feldman, and M.Ya. Melnikov, Phototransformations of Methylsubstituted Oxiranes` Radical Cations // High Energy Chemistry V.46 No 3 (2012) p. 183.
- I.D. Sorokin, O.L. Melnikova, V.I. Pergushov, D.A. Tyurin, V.I. Feldman, and M.Ya. Melnikov, Phototransformations of Methylsubstituted Oxiranes’ Radical Cations in Freonic Matrices at 77 K // Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin Vol. 67 No. 2 (2012) p. 59–71.
- E. Baggaley, J.A. Weinstein, J.A. Gareth, Lighting the way to see inside the live cell with luminescent transition metal complexes // Coord. Chem. Rev. Vol. 256 Issue: 15-16 Special Issue (2012) 1762-1785.
- Archer S., Weinstein J.A. Charge-separated excited states in platinum(II) chromophores: photophysics, formation, stabilization and utilization in solar energy conversion // Coord. Chem. Rev. Vol. 256 (2012) 2530- 2561.
- Vorobiev A.Kh., Chumakova N.A. Simulation of Rigid-Limit and Slow-Motion EPR Spectra for Extraction of Quantitative Dynamic and Orientational Information. In: Nitroxides - theory, experiment and applications / Kokorin A.I. (ed.) Available in web: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/48067 . Rijeka: InTech, 2012. p. 57–112.
- A. V. Bogdanov, A. Kh. Vorobiev, Rotational mobility and rate of photoisomerization of spin-labeled azobenzenes in glassy polystyrene, Chemical Physics Letters 506 (2011) 46-51
- Brayshaw SK, Schiffers S, Stevenson AJ, Teat SJ, Warren MR, Bennett RD, Sazanovich IV, Buckley AR, Weinstein JA,* Raithby PR, Highly efficient visible-light driven photochromism: Developments towards a solid-state molecular switch operating through a triplet-sensitised pathway // Chemistry - A European Journal 17(16):4385-4395 2011.
- Chagarovskiy, A. O.; Ivanova, O. A.; Budynina, E. M.; Trushkov, I. V.; Melnikov, M. Ya. [3+2] Cyclodimerization of 2-arylcyclopropane-1,1-diesters. Lewis acid induced reversion of cyclopropane umpolung// Tetrahedron Lett., 2011, 52, 4421-4425.
- N. A. Chumakova, D. A. Pomogailo, T. S. Yankova, A. Kh. Vorobiev, The Novel Stable Nitroxide Radicals as Perspective Spin Probes for Study of Orientation Order of Liquid Crystals and Polymers // Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 540: pp. 196-204, 2011
- D. Sykes, I. S. Tidmarsh, A. Barbieri, I. V. Sazanovich, J. A. Weinstein, M. D. Ward, d -> f Energy Transfer in a Series of IrIII/EuIII Dyads: Energy-Transfer Mechanisms and White-Light Emission// Inorg. Chem., 2011, 50 (22), pp 11323-11339.
- Foxon S., Parker, SC, Weinstein, JA, Thomas JA, Synthesis, characterization, and DNA binding properties of ruthenium(II) complexes containing the redox active ligand benzo[i]dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine-11,16-quinone// Inorg. Chem., 2011, accepted.
- E.N.Golubeva, O.I. Gromov, G.M.Zhidomirov. Cu(II)-Alkyl Chlorocomplexes: Stable Compounds or Transients? DFT Prediction of their Structure and EPR Parameters // J. Phys. Chem. A. 2011. V.115. N.28. P.8147-8154 (8/3).
- Ivanova, O. A.; Budynina, E. M.; Chagarovskiy, A. O.; Kaplun, A. E.; Trushkov, I. V.; Melnikov, M. Ya. Lewis acid-catalyzed (3+4)-annulation of 2-(heteroaryl)-cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylates with cyclopentadiene// Adv. Synth. Catal. 2011, 353, 1125-1134.
- Ivanova, O. A.; Budynina, E. M.; Chagarovskiy, A. O.; Rakhmankulov, E. R.; Trushkov, I. V.; Semeykin, A. V.; Shimanovskii, N. L.; Melnikov, M. Ya. Domino cyclodimerization of indole-derived donor-acceptor cyclopropanes: one-step construction of the pentaleno[1,6-a,b]indole skeleton// Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 11738-11742.
- O. A. Ivanova, E. M. Budynina, A. O. Chagarovskiy, I. V. Trushkov, Melnikov, M. Ya. (3+3)-Cyclodimerization of donor-acceptor cyclopropanes. Three routes to six-membered rings// J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 8852-8868.
- A. I. Kokorin, B. Mladenova, E. N. Golubeva, G. Grampp. Behavior of Short Nitroxide Biradical in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids // Appl. Magn. Reson. 2011. V. 41. P.353-362.
- Melnikov, M. Ya.; Budynina, E. M.; Ivanova, O. A.; Trushkov, I. V. Recent advances in ring-forming reactions of donor-acceptor cyclopropanes// Mendeleev Commun. 2011, 21, 293-301.
- V. McLeod, I. Sazanovich, J. Weinstein, M. D. Ward, Luminescent cyanometallates based on phenylpyridine-Ir(III) units: solvatochromism and metallochromism in solution, and studies of energy-transfer in cyanide-bridged Ir/Ln and Ir/Re complexes, Dalton Trans., 2011, accepted
- D. Schmidiger, S. Muehlbauer, S. N. Gvasaliya, T. Yankova, and A. Zheludev, Long-lived magnons throughout the Brillouin zone of the strong-leg spin ladder (C7H10N)2CuBr4 // Phys. Rev. B 84, 144421 (2011)
- I.D.Sorokin, V.I.Feldman, O.L.Mel'nikova, V.I.Pergushov, D.A.Tyurin, M.Ya.Melnikov. Reversible photochemical transformations of the cis- and trans-2,3-dimethyl oxirane radical cations in freonic matrices at 77 K. // Mendeleev. Comm., 2011, ¹ 3, p.153-154.
- I.D.Sorokin, V.I.Feldman, O.L.Mel'nikova, V.I.Pergushov, D.A.Tyurin, M.Ya.Melnikov. The nature and photochemistry of 2,2-dimethyloxirane radical cations in freonic matrices at 77 K. // Mendeleev. Comm., 2011, ¹ 3, p.155-156.
- E. Wulf, S. Muehlbauer, T. Yankova, and A. Zheludev, Disorder instability of the magnon condensate in a frustrated spin ladder // Phys. Rev. B 84, 174414 (2011)
- T.S. Yankova, N.A. Chumakova, D.A. Pomogailo, A.Kh. Vorobiev, Spin probe orientation distribution functions in aligned nematic liquid crystal // Magnetic Resonance in Solids. Electronic Journal. Vol. 13, No 2, pp. 10-13 (2011).
- B. V. Andryushechkin, V. V. Cherkez, E. V. Gladchenko,G. M. Zhidomirov, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre, and K. N. Eltsov
Structure of chlorine on Ag(111): Evidence of the (3Ã3) reconstruction.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81, 205434 _2010_
- A.O. Chagarovskiy, O.A. Ivanova, E.R. Rakhmankulov, E.M. Budynina, I.V. Trushkov, M.Ya. Melnikov. Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Isomerization of 2-Arylcyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylates: A New Efficient Route to 2-Styrylmalonates. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2010, (352), accepted.
- Daria A. Chernova, Andrey K. Vorobiev "Molecular Mobility of Nitroxide Spin Probes in Glassy Polymers: Models of the Complex Motion of Spin Probes" Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, DOI 10.1002/app.33337
- N.A. Chumakova, V.I. Pergushov, A.Kh.Vorobiev, A.I.Kokorin, Rotational and translational mobility of nitroxide spin probe in ionic liquids and molecular solvents, Appl.Magn.Reson. 39 (2010) 409-421
- A.V.Larin, G.M.Zhidomirov, D.N.Trubnikov,D.P.Vercauteren
Ion-exchanged binuclear Ca2OX clusters, X = 1 - 4, as active sites of selective oxidation over MOR and FAU zeolites. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 31 (2010), 421-430 doi:10.1002/jcc.21340.
- Lobanov A.V., Golubeva E.N., Mel’nikov M.Ya. Photochemical Synthesis and Interconversions of Novel Organocopper(II) complexes in low-temperature matrices: an EPR study // Mendeleev Communications. 2010. V. 20. N. 6. P. 343-345.
- A. Kh. Vorobiev, V. Yu. Markov, N. A. Samokhvalova,P. S. Samokhvalov, S.I. Troyanov, L. N. Sidorov "Stable trifluoromethylated fullerene radicals C60(CF3)15 and C60(CF3)17" Mendeleev Com., 2010, 20, 7-9.
- M. V. Vishnetskaya, A. V. Vasin, V. N. Solkan, G. M. Zhidomirov, and M. Ya. Mel’nikov. Activation of Molecular Oxygen in Trifluoroacetic Acid// Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 2010, V.84 (11), p. 1905
- Shimanovskii N.L., Epinetov M.A., Mel'nikov M.Ya. Molecular and Nanofarmacology. Fizmatlit Publ. 2010, 624 (In Russian).
- B.V.Andryushechkin, G.M.Zhidomirov, K.N.Eltsov, Y.V.Hladchanka, A.A.Korlyukov
Local structure of the Ag(100) surface reacting with molecular iodine: Experimental and theoretical study, Physical Review B, 80 (2009) pt.12
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.125409
- A O. Chagarovskiy, E.M. Budynina, O.A. Ivanova, Yu.K. Grishin, I.V. Trushkov, P.V. Verteletskii Lewis acid-catalyzed reactions of donor-acceptor cyclopropanes with furan derivatives. Tetrahedron, 2009, Vol. 65, 5385-5392.
- D. A. Chernova, A. Kh. Vorobiev "Molecular Mobility of Nitroxide Spin Probes in Glassy Polymers. Quasi-Libration Model" Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 47, 107–120 (2009).
- D. A. Chernova, A. Kh. Vorobiev "Temperature Dependence of ESR Spectra of Nitroxide Spin Probe in Glassy Polymers" Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol.47, 563–575 (2009).
- Elena N. Golubeva, Dmitry N. Kharitonov, Dmitry I. Kochubey, Vladimir N. Ikorskii, Vladimir V. Kriventsov, Alexander I. Kokorin, Julia Stoetsner, Detlef W. Bahnemann Formation of Active Catalysts in the System: Chlorocuprates?CCl4?n-C10H22 // The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009. V.113. N.38. P.10219-10223
- Nevrova O.V., Lobanov A.V., Komissarov G.G. Chlorophyll and Metal Porphyrins in Photocatalytic Redox Reactions of Hydrogen Peroxide // Macroheterocycles. 2009. V. 2. N. 3-4. P. 264-267.
- Lobanov A.V., Vasiliev S.M., Komissarov G.G. Interaction of Hemin and Hydrogen Peroxide: Effect of Media // Macroheterocycles. 2009. V. 2. N. 3-4. P. 268-270.
- Lobanov A.V., Golubeva E.N., Zubanova E.M., Mel'nikov M.Ya. Photochemistry of tetraalkylammonium tetrachlorocuprates in low-temperature matrices // High Energy Chemistry. 2009. V. 43. N. 5. P. 384-390.
- Yu.A. Volkova, O.A. Ivanova, E.M. Budynina, E.V. Revunov, E.B. Averina The first synthesis of nitro-substituted cyclopropanes and spiropentanes via oxidation of the corresponding amino derivatives Tetrahedron Letters, 2009, 50, 2793-2796.
- Golubeva E.N., Lobanov A.V., Kokorin A.I. Intermediate particles in the catalysis of radical reactions of chlorohydrocarbons // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2009. V. 28. N. 4. P. 179-186.
- E. N. Golubeva, G. M. Zhidomirov, and A. I. Kokorin. On the Stability of Copper(II) Organic Compounds with the Bond Cu–C: A Quantum-Chemical Study // Doklady Chemistry 2009, V. 426 p. 143
- A.V.Larin, G.M.Zhidomirov, D.N.Trubnikov,D.P.Vercauteren
DFT analysis of propane cyclization over binuclear Ga-clusters in mordenite
Journ. Molec.Catal. A:Chemical, 305, iss.1-2, (2009) 90-94
- S. E. Malykhin, A. M. Volodin, A.F. Bedilo, and G. M. Zhidomirov
Generation of O- Radical Anions on MgO Surface: Long-Distance Charge Separation or
Homolytic Dissociation of Chemisorbed Water?
J.Phys.Chem. C, 113 (2009) 10350-10353
- M. Ya. Mel’nikov, A. D. Kalugina, O. L. Mel’nikova, V. I. Pergushov, and D. A. Tyurin. Photochemistry of Trimethylene Oxide and Trimethylene Sulfide Radical Cations in Freonic Matrices at 77 K // High Energy Chemistry 2009 V.43 p. 303
- V. I. Pergushov, N. A. Chumakova, M. Ya. Mel’nikov,
G. Grampp, and A. I. Kokorin. Structural and Dynamic Microheterogeneity of Ionic Liquid // Doklady Physical Chemistry 2009, V. 425 (4) p. 69
- N.U.Zhanpeisov, G.M.Zhidomirov, H.Fukumura.
Interaction of single water molecule with single graphite layer. An integrated ONIOM study. J.Phys.Chem. C, 113 (2009) 6118-6123
- G.M.Zhidomirov, A.V.Larin, D.N.Trubnikov,D.P.Vercauteren
Ion-exchange binuclear clusters as active sites of selective oxidation over zeolites. J.Phys.Chem. C, 113 (2009) 8258-8265
- Mel'nikov M.Ya. at al. Experimental Methods of High Energy Chemistry. MSU Publ. 2009, 824 (In Russian).
- N.A. Chumakova, T.S.Yankova, A.Kh.Vorobiev, ESR study of orientation distribution function of HO2 radicals ordered by light irradiation, Appl.Magn.Reson. 33 (2008) 117-126
- N.A. Chumakova, A.Kh.Vorobiev, N.Ikuma, Y.Uchida, R.Tamura, Magnetic characteristics and orientation of a new nitroxide radical in an ordered matrix, Mendeleev Commun., 18 (2008) 21-23
- A. A. Goryunkov, E. S. Kornienko, T. V. Magdesieva, A. A. Kozlov, V. A. Vorobiev, S. M. Avdoshenko, I.N. Ioffe, O.M. Nikitin, V. Yu. Markov, P. A. Khavrel, A. Kh. Vorobiev and L. N. Sidorov "Electrochemical, ESR and theoretical studies of [6,6]-opened C60(CF2), cis-2-C60(CF2)2 and their anions" Dalton Trans., 2008, 6886–6893.
- O.A. Ivanova, E.M. Budynina, Yu.K. Grishin, I.V. Trushkov, P.V. Verteletskii Donor-acceptor cyclopropanes as three-carbon components in a [4+3] cycloaddition reaction with 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 1107-1110.
- O.A. Ivanova, E.M. Budynina, Yu.K. Grishin, I.V. Trushkov, P.V. Verteletskii Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Reactions of Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes with Anthracenes Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2008, 31, 5329-5335.
- Malykhin, S.E., Volodin, A.M., Zhidomirov, G.M. Spin states of iron-nitrosyl adsorption complexes formed in Fe-ZSM5 zeolites. Applied Magnetic Resonans, 2008 Vol. 33, p. 153-166
- Evgeny A. Pidko, Emiel J.M. Hensen, Georgy M. Zhidomirov, Rutger A. van Santen
Non-localized charge compensation in zeolites: A periodic DFT study of cationic gallium-oxide clusters in mordenite. Journal of Catalysis 255 (2008) 139-143
- V.N.Solkan, G.M.Zhidomirov,"Density functional theory studies of nitrous oxide adsorption and decomposition on Ga-ZSM-5".International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, (2008) 108, Iss.14, 2732-2743.
- Mikhail Ya. Mel’nikov, Vladilen N. Belevskii, Anastasiya D. Kalugina, Vladimir I. Pergushov, Daniil A. Tyurin. Photochemical reactions of trimethylene sulfide radical cations in Freon matrices at 77 K
Mendeleev Communications, 2008, V. 18(2),P. 67-68
- M.Ya.Melnikov, V.N.Belevskii, A.D.Kalugina, O.L.Melnikova, V.I.Pergushov, D.A.Tyurin. Photochemical reactions of trimethylene oxide radical cations in Freon matrices at 77 K // Mendeleev Commun., 2008, V.18, N. 6, p.305-306.
- E.L. Straz, D. A. Chernova, A. Kh. Vorobiev "Complexation of molecular oxygen with nitroxide radicals adsorbed on the surface of silica and MCM-41" Mendeleev Commun., 2008, 18, 246–248.
- Y.A. Volkova, O.A. Ivanova, E.M. Budynina, E.B. Averina, T.S. Kuznetsova, N.S. Zefirov A new three-component one pot reaction of trinitromethane, epoxides and alkenes via dinitronitronates: synthesis of highly functionalized 3,3-dinitroisoxazolidines. Tetrahedron, 2008, 64, 3548-3553.
- Yu. A. Volkova, O. A. Ivanova, E. M. Budynina, E. B. Averina, T. S. Kuznetsova, N. S. Zefirov. Tetranitromethane as a novel reagent for the conversion of epoxides into beta-hydroxy nitrates. Tetrahedron Letters, 2008, 49, 3935-3938.
- Yu. A. Volkova, O. A. Ivanova, E. B. Averina, E. M. Budynina,
T. S. Kuznetsova, and N. S. Zefirov. Study of the Reaction of Trinitromethane with Oxiranes // Doclady Chemistry, 2008, 419 (4), p. 83
- Yu. A. Volkova, O. A. Ivanova, E. M. Budynina, E. B. Averina, T. S. Kuznetsova, and N. S. Zefirov.
Unusual reactions of vinyl ketones with tetranitromethane. The synthesis of 5-acyl-3-nitroisoxazoles // Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2008, 9, p. 2034.
- A. Kh. Vorobiev, D. Menshykau "Photochemical reaction kinetics in optically dense media.The influence of thermal reactions." J. of Photochem. and Photobiol. A: Chemistry, 2008, 197, 359-363.
- A. Kh. Vorobiev , D. Menshykau "Kinetics of photochemical reactions in optically dense media with reagent diffusion" J. of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 199 (2008) 303–310.
- Golubeva E.N., Lobanov A.V., Pergushov V.I., Chumakova N.A., Kokorin A.I. Copper(II) Organic compounds as intermediates of photochemical transformation of quaternary ammonium tetrachlorocuprates // Doclady Chemistry. 2008 V. 421. N. 2. P. 171-174.
- Golubeva E.N., Pergushov V.I., Zubareva N.A., Kokorin A.I., Kochubey D.I., Kriventsov V.V. Influence of the nuclearity of copper(II) chloride complexes on their activity in catalytic C-Cl bond metathesis // Kinetics and Catalysis. 2008. V. 49. N. 5. Ñ. 737-742.
- Lobanov A.V., Rubtsova N.A., Vedeneeva Yu.A., Komissarov G.G. Photocatalytic activity of chlorophyll in hydrogen peroxide generation in water // Doclady Chemistry. 2008 V. 421. N. 2. P. 190-193.
- M. Ya. Mel’nikov and J. A. Weinstein. Structural Reorganization in the Excited State of Transition Metal Complexes// High Energy Chemistry, 2008, V. 42(4), p. 287.
- V. I. Pergushov and M. Ya. Mel’nikov. Mechanism and Efficiency of Photochemical Transformation of SiNNO Radicals Grafted to Activated Aerosil Surface: Calculation of Potential Energy Surface Elements for the Lower Excited State of the Radical // High Energy Chemistry, 2008, V. 42(6), p. 442.
- Lobanov A.V., Nevrova O.V., Vedeneeva Yu.A., Golovina G.V., Komissarov G.G. Photodestruction of Chlorophyll in Non-biological Systems // In: Modern Tendencies in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry. Today and Tomorrow. Editors: Mikitaev A., Ligidov M.K and Zaikov G.E. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2008. P. 165-169.
- Lobanov A.V., Safina Yu.A., Nevrova O.V., Komissarov G.G. Interconversion of O2 and H2O2 during irradiation of chlorophyll / silica gel / water suspensions saturated by air / / In the collective monograph "Problems of the origin and evolution of the biosphere" (Ed. Galimov), Moscow Book House "Librokom", 2008, 552 p.(In Russian).
- Lobanov A.V., Nevrova O.V., Vedeneeva Yu.A., Golovina G.V., Komissarov G.G. Photodestruction of Chlorophyll in Non-biological Systems // In: Molecular and Nanoscale Systems for Energy Conversion. Editors: Varfolomeev S., Krylova L. et al., Inc. New York, 2008. P. 95-99.
- M.Ya.Melnikov, V.N.Belevskii, A.D.Kalugina, V.I.Pergushov, D.A.Tyurin. Photochemical reactions of trimethylene oxide radical cations in Freon matrices at 77 K // Mendeleev Commun., 2008, V.18(6) p.305.
- Zhidomirov G.M., Shubin A.A., Milov M.A., Kazansky V.B., van Santen R.A.,Hensen E.J.M. Cluster model DFT study of CO adsorption to gallium ions in Ga/HZSM-5. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112(9), 2008, 3321-3326.
- E.M.Budynina, S.E. Kondakov, M.Ya. Mel'nikov, M.E. Tamm "Water soluble complex of cis-[diaminochlorplatinum (2+)] with isoniazide and its application" RF patent N. 2008119510 (2008).
- M.V. Vishnetskaya, I.A. Sidorenkova, I.Yu. Yakimova (Skrepleva), "The method of carbohydrates oxidation" RF patent N. 2331624 (2008).
- Golubeva E.N., Endovin Y.P., Lobanov A.V., Pererva O.V., Petukhov A.M., Chekry E.N. RF Patent "Method for simultaneous obtaining of trichlorosilane and chlorohydrocarbons" N. 02324650 (2008).
- M.V. Genkin, E.N. Golubeva RF Patent "Method for simultaneous obtaining of chloroform and tertiary chloroalkanes" N. 2322433 (2008).
- M.E. Tamm, V.I. Litvinov, P.P. Sel'covskii, M.Ya. Mel'nikov, S.E. Kondakov. "The method of synthesis of complex of Fe(2+) with isoniazide" RF patent N. 2008127162 (2007)
- A.V.Caramyshev, V.M.Lobachov, D.V. Selivanov, E.V.Sheval, A.Kh.Vorobiev, O.Nkatasova,V.Y.Polyakov, A.K.Mskarov, I.Iu.Sakharov.Micellar Peroxodase-Catalized Synthesis of Chiral Polyaniline. Biomakrmolecules, 2007, 8,2549-2555.
- O.A. Ivanova, E.M. Budynina, E.B. Averina, T.S. Kuznetsova, Yu.K. Grishin, N.S. Zefirov. [3+2]-Cycloaddition of Diazocarbonyl Compounds to 1,1-Dinitroethenes. Synthesis of Functionalized gem-Dinitrocyclopropanes. Synthesis 2007, (13), 2009-2013.
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