Химический факультет МГУ


Leonid Aleksandrovich ASLANOV

Biographical remarks and research directions

Leonid Aleksandrovich ASLANOV (born 16.08.1938) studied chemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State University. He was a post-graduate student in the same University and received his PhD in 1963 for thesis named “Double and triple chalcogenides of transition metals”. In 1967/68 he studied the methods of X-ray structural analysis as a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory headed by Professor Sir Ronald Masson at the University of Sheffield (UK). He received his Dr. Sc. Chem. in 1973 for thesis named “Stereochemistry of the rare-earth coordination compounds”. In 1981 he headed the Laboratory of structural chemistry and became a Professor of the Moscow University.

In 1970-80ss he studied the phenomenon of trans-strengthening of the metal-ligand bonds in octahedral complexes of Sn(IV), Pb(IV) and other post-transition metals using X-ray crystallography. In 1980ss he fulfilled a series of pioneer works in photocrystallography. In 1980-90ss a crystallographic model of interatomic interactions was developed and also the optically detected magnetic resonance spectra in zero field for dipyridyl complexes of ruthenium, tin and rare-earth metals were obtained for the first time.

In 1990-2000ss he developed an optical acoustic mechanism of the latent image centers formation in silver halide materials. In the same years, the joint crystallographic studies with Prof. H. Schenk (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Prof. J. Howard (University of  Durham, UK) and also studies on engineering of nanocrystals with Prof. Sh. Magdassi (Hebrew University, Israel) were performed.

Beginning from 2010, Prof. Aslanov develops approaches to design and engineering of single-crystal nanosheets in order to obtain the nanohybrid materials.

In 1996-2002 he was a member of the IUCr Executive Committee, in 2002-05 a Vice-President of IUCr. Leonid A. Aslanov was an co-editor of the following journals: Acta Crystallographica A, C, D (1996-2006), Acta Crystallographica B (1996-2008), Crystallography Reviews (2002-2008), Zeitschrift fuer Kristallografie (1996-2006). By now he is an Editorial Board member of the Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry and Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. He is a Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Yu.T.Struchkov Prize for young scientists in crystallography.

Awards: Lomonosov MSU Prize (1986), SSSR Council of Ministers Prize (1982), Leninskii Komsomol Scientific Prize (1971).


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