Химический факультет МГУ





November 8, 2020 — Virtual Open Day for International Students

On November 8th ,2020 Lomonosov Moscow State University will hold a virtual Open Day for international students. Participants of the Open Day will be able to attend a lecture by the Rector of Moscow State University Academician Victor Sadovnichy about the history and traditions, present and future of Moscow State University. Representatives of each faculty will talk, in real time, about the specifics of teaching and studying in educational programs in various faculties, and answer the participants’ questions.

The Open Day will be held on a special online portal in Russian, English and Chinese. Participants will be able to virtually visit scientific laboratories, educational buildings, sports facilities and libraries of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Program of the Open Day:

• Welcome lecture by the Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Academician Victor Sadovnichy

• Deans’ addresses

• Virtual tours to educational and scientific buildings in 360o format

• Online consultations provided by faculty representatives in three languages (Russian, English and Chinese)

• Presentations of the educational programs

• Entry requirements and admissions statistics for 2020.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Open Day on November 8, 2020!

Registration is already open on the portal

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