События и итоги
накопления педогенных карбонатов
в канадских прериях"

Междисциплинарная научно-образовательная школа Московского университета
"Будущее планеты и глобальные изменения окружающей среды"
приглашает на научный семинар
Тема семинара:
Скорость накопления педогенных карбонатов в канадских прериях
(Rate of Pedogenic Carbonate Accumulation in Canadian Prairies)
Лектор: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ruhi Mermut
Семинар состоится 28 февраля в 17:00 мск
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Changes in the
soil environment influence organic and inorganic C contents and d13C values of soil C across a landscape. The objective of this
study was to examine relationships among landscape elements, soil properties,
and storage of organic and inorganic C using stable isotope geochemistry. A
hummocky landscape, typical of 38% of Saskatchewan’s land, with glacial till
parent material under native grassland was studied.
Organic C content
of A horizons ranges between 20 to 98 g kg-1. Both extremes occur in level
positions of the south-facing and north-facing slopes. The lowest d13C value of
organic C (-29.6‰) was measured in a depression and the highest (more positive)
was obtained on a shoulder (-21.7‰). The d13C value of carbonate ranges from
-0.9‰ (carbonatic parent material) at the 114 cm depth in level complex to
–7.9‰ at depth of 100 cm in footslope complex and depression. These signify
considerable variation in isotope geochemistry in a local hummocky landscape.
The amount and
percentage of pedogenic carbonate are higher in north-facing slopes than in
southward slopes. The highest proportion and amount of pedogenic carbonate up
to 1 m depth (95.8 %, and 222.1 kg m-2) was found in Rego Black Chernozem soils
(Calcicryolls) in footslope complex position in the north-facing slope, and
likely represents a gain in carbonate through lateral flows from the adjacent
depression. The lowest proportion and amount (34.4 %, and 33.9 kg m-2) was
found in the shoulder complex segment of west-facing slope and in footslope
complex position in east-west direction. On average, the soils have accumulated
about 1.25 g C m-2 yr-1of inorganic C (pedogenic carbonate) and 1.25 g C m-2
yr-1 as organic C. The former is a still-building sink, whereas the organic C
may well have been at or close equilibrium for millennia.
Dr. Ahmet Ruhi Mermut,
was born in Turkey in 1943. Honorary Member International Union of Soil
Science, FCSS, FASA, FSSSA, and International Soil Science Award of the SSSA,
He received the Turkish TUBITAK science award for the year of 2005. He earned a
B.Sc. in Soil Science and a Ph.D. from the University of Ankara, Turkey. He was
a research scientist at the State Agricultural University from 1969-1971 in
Wageningen the Netherlands and later the Department of Soil Science, University
of Saskatchewan since1982. He is also Prof. of Soil Science at Harran
University, Turkey since 2004. He taught courses at the University of Toronto,
in Brazil, and at several different universities in the Middle East. He has
trained graduate students, 25 of them at Ph.D. level. Through the United Nation
Development Program (UNDP) he has been invited to work with Chinese scientists
in northern China. Developed a lrge program in Ethiopia through the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA) and recently in Sudan.
Dr. Mermut has served as the associate editor and the
editor of the Canadian Journal of Soil Science. He has also served as associate
editor of Clays and Clay minerals and has been a guest editor for three
Geoderma Special issues. He was the Chair between 1998 and 2002, and he was the
Chair of the Division I of the IUSS (2002-2010). He has served the President of
the European confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS) between 2012-2016
and organized a congress October in Istanbul, Turkey.
Dr. Mermut has made several strong contributions in the
areas of soil mineralogy, soil genesis, micropedology, and Organic Matter
Dynamics in Agro-Ecosystem. He has made a contribution to the fate of
organo-chemicals in soil system. Recently he has also made contribution to World
Food Security. He is very active in Canada and USA. His work on
Vertisols contributed substantially to getting the new order recognized in
Dr. A. R. Mermut has made contributions to Soil Science
over a distinguished career in teaching, research, international education,
editing and writing of scientific papers.