Международный симпозиум
"Достижения синтетической, комбинаторной и медицинской химии"
Правила оформления стендовых сообщений
abstract has to be typed in a DIN A4 page with 2.5 cm top, bottom, left and
right margins.
2. The abstract has to be typed
single-spaced using Time New Roman 12 font. The title
should be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS. In a different line list the authors –
first initial(s) and then surname(s), followed by superscript index indicating
their affiliation. Mark by asterisk * the name of the presenting author. After
the last author’s name, list the institution, city and country for each author.
Omit degrees, titles. In a different line type full mail and e-mail addresses
of the presenting author. Before text of abstract omit one single space.
3. It is strongly recommended to structure the text as follows:
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results – a summary in sufficient detail to support the conclusions
- Conclusions reached (it is not satisfactory to state “The results will be discussed.”)
4. Simple table or graph may be included. It
must be included in the rectangle with the text.
5. Abbreviations may be used after the first
appearance of the full word for which they stand.
6. Abstracts not correctly prepared will not
be considered for presentation. Only abstracts written in English will be
7. Abstracts will be published as submitted, i.e. any error that
appears in the submitted abstract will appear in the published abstract.
8. The abstract can be emailed to zefirov@org.chem.msu.su. Use
Microsoft Word compatible software. The abstract must fit within the rectangle
on the original abstract form (attached below).
Abstract deadline MARCH 1, 2004.
(Abstracts may not be submitted by fax)