
Journal of Membrane Science

VOL. 185 NO. 1, 2001

K.W. Böddeker, K.-V. Peinemann, S.P. Nunes. Membranes in Fuel Cells. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 1–1.

Jochen A. Kerres. Development of ionomer membranes for fuel cells. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 3–27.

K.D. Kreuer. On the development of proton conducting polymer membranes for hydrogen and methanol fuel cells. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 29–39.

Deborah J. Jones, Jacques Rozière. Recent advances in the functionalisation of polybenzimidazole and polyetherketone for fuel cell applications. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 41–58.

P. Genova-Dimitrova, B. Baradie, D. Foscallo, C. Poinsignon, J.Y. Sanchez. Ionomeric membranes for proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC): sulfonated polysulfone associated with phosphatoantimonic acid. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 59–71.

G. Alberti, M. Casciola, L. Massinelli, B. Bauer. Polymeric proton conducting membranes for medium temperature fuel cells (110-160°C). Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 73–81.

I. Honma, S. Nomura, H. Nakajima. Protonic conducting organic/inorganic nanocomposites for polymer electrolyte membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 83–94.

Stefan Haufe, Ulrich Stimming. Proton conducting membranes based on electrolyte filled microporous matrices. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 95–103.

F. Finsterwalder, G. Hambitzer. Proton conductive thin films prepared by plasma polymerization. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 105–124.

CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (1) 125–127.

VOL. 185 NO. 2, 2001

Ron S. Faibish, Yoram Cohen. Fouling-resistant ceramic-supported polymer membranes for ultrafiltration of oil-in-water microemulsions. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 129–143.

A. Duhart, J.F. Dozol, H. Rouquette, A. Deratani. Selective removal of cesium from model nuclear waste solutions using a solid membrane composed of an unsymmetrical calix[4]arenebiscrown-6 bonded to an immobilized polysiloxane backbone. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 145–155.

Z. Cao, D.E. Wiley, A.G. Fane. CFD simulations of net-type turbulence promoters in a narrow channel. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 157–176.

R. Chan, V. Chen. The effects of electrolyte concentration and pH on protein aggregation and deposition: critical flux and constant flux membrane filtration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 177–192.

Yi-Chieh Wang, Chi-Lan Li, James Huang, Chi Lin, Kueir-Rarn Lee, Der-Jang Liaw, Juin-Yih Lai. Pervaporation of benzene/cyclohexane mixtures through aromatic polyamide membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 193–200.

Surya P. Doguparthy. Pervaporation of aqueous alcohol mixtures through a photopolymerised composite membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 201–205.

E.M. van der Ent, K. van't Riet, J.T.F. Keurentjes, A. van der Padt. Design criteria for dense permeation-selective membranes for enantiomer separations. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 207–221.

J. Gilron, N. Gara, O. Kedem. Experimental analysis of negative salt rejection in nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 223–236.

Wanqin Jin, Shiguang Li, Pei Huang, Nanping Xu, Jun Shi. Preparation of an asymmetric perovskite-type membrane and its oxygen permeability. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 237–243.

Masayasu Tasaka, Ryotaro Kiyono, Atsushi Taniguchi. Experimental evaluation of single ion activities. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 245–251.

Toshinori Tsuru, Takashi Sudoh, Tomohisa Yoshioka, Masashi Asaeda. Nanofiltration in non-aqueous solutions by porous silica-zirconia membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 253–261.

PATENTS ALERT. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 263–266.

CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 185 (2) 267–269.

VOL. 186 NO. 1, 2001

H. Grigoriew, S. Bernstorff, A. Woliska-Grabczyk, J. Domagaa, A.G. Chmielewski. Depth-influenced structure through permeating polymer membrane using SAXS synchrotron method. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 1–8.

Akon Higuchi, Aya Komuro, Kyosuke Hirano, Boo Ok Yoon, Mariko Hara, Tomoko Hirasaki, Yuri Nishimoto, Masanobu Yokogi, Sei-Ichi Manabe. Permeation of g-globulin through microporous membranes in the presence of trace DNA. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 9–18.

Li Xuehui, Wang Lefu. Kinetic model for an esterification process coupled by pervaporation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 19–24.

Joseph C. Poshusta, Richard D. Noble, John L. Falconer. Characterization of SAPO-34 membranes by water adsorption. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 25–40.

Rishi Sondhi, Ramesh Bhave. Role of backpulsing in fouling minimization in crossflow filtration with ceramic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 41–52.

Ruey-Shin Juang, Gwo-Shyong Yan. Enhanced flux and selectivity of metals through a dialysis membrane by addition of complexing agents to receiving phase. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 53–61.

Richard Ash. A note on permeation with boundary-layer resistance. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 63–69.

O.M. Ekiner, G. Vassilatos. Polyaramide hollow fibers for H2/CH4 separation. II. Spinning and properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 71–84.

Isabelle Masselin, Laurence Durand-Bourlier, Jean-Michel Laine, Pierre-Yves Sizaret, Xavier Chasseray, Daniel Lemordant. Membrane characterization using microscopic image analysis. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 85–96.

Jae Hoon Kim, Seong Yong Ha, Sang Yong Nam, Ji Won Rhim, Kyoung Ho Baek, Young Moo Lee. Selective permeation of CO2 through pore-filled polyacrylonitrile membrane with poly(ethylene glycol). Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 97–107.

S. Farooq, I.A. Karimi. Modeling support resistance in zeolite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 109–121.

P. Drogui, S. Elmaleh, M. Rumeau, C. Bernard, A. Rambaud. Hybride process, microfiltration-electroperoxidation, for water treatment. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 123–132.

D. Mignard, D.H. Glass. Fouling during the cross-flow ultrafiltration of proteins: a mass-transfer model. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 133–143.

ANNOUNCEMENT. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 145–145.

MEETING CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (1) 147–149.

VOL. 186 NO. 2, 2001

C. Thoelen, M. De bruyn, E. Theunissen, Y. Kondo, I.F.J. Vankelecom, P. Grobet, M. Yoshikawa, P.A. Jacobs. Membranes based on poly(g-methyl-L-glutamate): synthesis, characterization and use in chiral separations. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 153–163.

Christel Causserand, Yilmaz Kara, Pierre Aimar. Protein fractionation using selective adsorption on clay surface before filtration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 165–181.

Wen-Hui Lin, Tai-Shung Chung. Gas permeability, diffusivity, solubility, and aging characteristics of 6FDA-durene polyimide membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 183–193.

Shiguang Lia, Wanqin Jin, Nanping Xu, Jun Shi. Mechanical strength, and oxygen and electronic transport properties of SrCo0.4Fe0.6O3-d-YSZ membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 195–204.

A.G. Fadeev, Ya.A. Selinskaya, S.S. Kelley, M.M. Meagher, E.G. Litvinova, V.S. Khotimsky, V.V. Volkov. Extraction of butanol from aqueous solutions by pervaporation through poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne). Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 205–217.

Hélène Carrère, Frédéric Blaszkow, Hélène Roux de Balmann. Modelling the clarification of lactic acid fermentation broths by cross-flow microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 219–230.

Abraham Sagiv. Exact solution of mass diffusion into a finite volume. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 231–237.

Jenny Olsson, Gun Trägårdh, Christian Trägårdh. Pervaporation of volatile organics from water. II. Influence of permeate pressure on partial fluxes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 239–247.

Christopher J. Orme, Mason K. Harrup, Thomas A. Luther, Robert P. Lash, Kelly S. Houston, Donald H. Weinkauf, Frederick F. Stewart. Characterization of gas transport in selected rubbery amorphous polyphosphazene membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 249–256.

Toshinori Tsuru, Tomoya Hino, Tomohisa Yoshioka, Masashi Asaeda. Permporometry characterization of microporous ceramic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 257–265.

J.F. Blanco, Q.T. Nguyen, P. Schaetzel. Novel hydrophilic membrane materials: sulfonated polyethersulfone Cardo. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 267–279.

F. Hamad, K.C. Khulbe, T. Matsuura. Study on the interaction of methane gas with poly(phenylene oxide) membrane using infrared spectroscopic method. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 281–284.

CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 186 (2) 285–287.

VOL. 187 NO. 1–2, 2001

Bill Koros. The 'Third Wave'. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 1–1.

J.K. Kim, J.S. Kim, Y.G. Shul, K.W. Lee, W.Z. Oh. Selective extraction of cesium ion with calix[4]arene crown ether through thin sheet supported liquid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 3–11.

M.-C. Yang, J.-S. Perng. Microporous polypropylene tubular membranes via thermally induced phase separation using a novel solvent - camphene. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 13–22.

Jenny Olsson, Gun Trägårdh. Pervaporation of volatile organic compounds from water. I Influence of permeate pressure on selectivity. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 23–37.

Punita V. Vyas, B.G. Shah, G.S. Trivedi, P. Ray, S.K. Adhikary, R. Rangarajan. Characterization of heterogeneous anion-exchange membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 39–46.

Jong Hak Kim, Byoung Ryul Min, Jongok Won, Hyun Chae Park, Yong Soo Kang. Phase behavior and mechanism of membrane formation for polyimide/DMSO/water system. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 47–55.

R. Subramanian, K.S.M.S. Raghavarao, H. Nabetani, M. Nakajima, T. Kimura, T. Maekawa. Differential permeation of oil constituents in nonporous denser polymeric membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 57–69.

Silke Ziegler, Juliane Theis, Detlev Fritsch. Palladium modified porous polymeric membranes and their performance in selective hydrogenation of propyne. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 71–84.

M. Schossig-Tiedemann, D. Paul. Improved preparation of membrane surfaces for field-emission scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 85–91.

N. Qureshi, M.M. Meagher, Jicai Huang, R.W. Hutkins. Acetone butanol ethanol (ABE) recovery by pervaporation using silicalite-silicone composite membrane from fed-batch reactor of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 93–102.

H.M. Yeh, C.S. Chen. Correction-factor analysis of solvent extraction in multipass membrane modules with recycle. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 103–108.

Cuixian Chen, Binbing Han, Jiding Li, Tiangang Shang, Jian Zou, Weijun Jiang. A new model on the diffusion of small molecule penetrants in dense polymer membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 109–118.

Ruey-Shin Juang, Chwei-Huann Chiou. Feasibility of the use of polymer-assisted membrane filtration for brackish water softening. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 119–127.

Ayumi Nakajima, Takehiro Miyasaka, Kiyotaka Sakai, Takashi Tsukahara. Determination of effective charge density of hollow-fiber dialysis membranes and its effects on phosphate ion permeability. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 129–139.

Asad Javaid, Michael P. Hughey, Varuntida Varutbangkul, David M. Ford. Solubility-based gas separation with oligomer-modified inorganic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 141–150.

Rick van der Vaart, Jan Akkerhuis, Paul Feron, Bert Jansen. Removal of mercury from gas streams by oxidative membrane gas absorption. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 151–157.

Jen Ming Yang, Hao Tzu Lin. Wettability and protein adsorption on HTPB-based polyurethane films. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 159–169.

Tomoyuki Fujii, Toshimasa Yano, Kozo Nakamura, Osato Miyawaki. The sol-gel preparation and characterization of nanoporous silica membrane with controlled pore size. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 171–180.

B. Krause, M.E. Boerrigter, N.F.A. van der Vegt, H. Strathmann, M. Wessling. Novel open-cellular polysulfone morphologies produced with trace concentrations of solvents as pore opener. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 181–192.

J. Phattaranawik, R. Jiraratananon, A.G. Fane, C. Halim. Mass flux enhancement using spacer filled channels in direct contact membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 193–201.

Mikihiro Nomura, Takeo Yamaguchi, Shin-ichi Nakao. Transport phenomena through intercrystalline and intracrystalline pathways of silicalite zeolite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 203–212.

David M. Stachera, Ronald F. Childs. Tuning the acid recovery performance of poly(4-vinylpyridine)-filled membranes by the introduction of hydrophobic groups. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 213–225.

N.A. Ochoa, P. Prádanos, L. Palacio, C. Pagliero, J. Marchese, A. Hernández. Pore size distributions based on AFM imaging and retention of multidisperse polymer solutes. Characterisation of polyethersulfone UF membranes with dopes containing different PVP. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 227–237.

F.X. Pierre, I. Souchon, M. Marin. Recovery of sulfur aroma compounds using membrane-based solvent extraction. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 239–253.

Tadashi Uragami, Hiroshi Yamada, Takashi Miyata. Removal of dilute volatile organic compounds in water through graft copolymer membranes consisting of poly(alkylmethacrylate) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) by pervaporation and their membrane morphology. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 255–269.

Bernabé L. Rivas, Ignacio Moreno-Villoslada. Polyelectrolyte behavior of three copolymers of 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-propanesulfonic acid and N-acryloyl-N´-methylpiperazine studied by ultrafiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 271–275.

Eli Ruckenstein, Wei Guo. Crosslinked mercerized cellulose membranes and their application to membrane affinity chromatography. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 277–286.

Sandeep K. Karode, Ashwani Kumar. Formation of polymeric membranes by immersion precipitation: an improved algorithm for mass transfer calculations. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 287–296.

MEETINGS CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 187 (1–2) 297–299.

VOL. 188 NO. 1, 2001

Avijit Bhowal, Siddhartha Datta. Studies on transport mechanism of Cr(VI) extraction from an acidic solution using liquid surfactant membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 1–8.

Sandeep K. Karode. Unsteady state flux response: a method to determine the nature of the solute and gel layer in membrane filtration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 9–20.

Koichi Mizukami, Hiromitsu Takaba, Yasunori Kobayashi, Yasunori Oumi, Rodion V. Belosludov, Seiichi Takami, Momoji Kubo, Akira Miyamoto. Molecular dynamics calculations of CO2/N2 mixture through the NaY type zeolite membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 21–28.

Rong Wang, Tai-Shung Chung. Determination of pore sizes and surface porosity and the effect of shear stress within a spinneret on asymmetric hollow fiber membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 29–37.

Junya Togawa, Tohru Kanno, Jun-ichi Horiuchi, Masayoshi Kobayashi. Gas permeability modification of polyolefin films induced by D-limonene swelling. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 39–48.

João M. Miranda, João B.L.M. Campos. An improved numerical scheme to study mass transfer over a separation membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 49–59.

Moon-Sung Kang, Kye-Sang Yoo, Suk-Jung Oh, Seung-Hyeon Moon. A lumped parameter model to predict hydrochloric acid recovery in diffusion dialysis. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 61–70.

P. Staiti, F. Lufrano, A.S. Aricò, E. Passalacqua, V. Antonucci. Sulfonated polybenzimidazole membranes - preparation and physico-chemical characterization. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 71–78.

Chul Haeng Lee, Won Hi Hong. Effect of operating variables on the flux and selectivity in sweep gas membrane distillation for dilute aqueous isopropanol. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 79–86.

Xiaoyao Tan, Shaomin Liu, K. Li. Preparation and characterization of inorganic hollow fiber membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 87–95.

Michelle L. Steen, Lynley Hymas, Elizabeth D. Havey, Nathan E. Capps, David G. Castner, Ellen R. Fisher. Low temperature plasma treatment of asymmetric polysulfone membranes for permanent hydrophilic surface modification. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 97–114.

Eric M. Vrijenhoek, Seungkwan Hong, Menachem Elimelech. Influence of membrane surface properties on initial rate of colloidal fouling of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 115–128.

Johan Schaep, Carlo Vandecasteele. Evaluating the charge of nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 129–136.

Jirachote Phattaranawik, Ratana Jiraratananon. Direct contact membrane distillation: effect of mass transfer on heat transfer. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 137–143.

MEETINGS CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (1) 145–147.

VOL. 188 NO. 2, 2001

Hyun Hang Yong, Hyun Chae Park, Yong Soo Kang, Jongok Won, Woo Nyun Kim. Zeolite-filled polyimide membrane containing 2,4,6-triaminopyrimidine. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 151–163.

H. Yanagishita, D. Kitamoto, K. Haraya, T. Nakane, T. Okada, H. Matsuda, Y. Idemoto, N. Koura. Separation performance of polyimide composite membrane prepared by dip coating process. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 165–172.

Cinthia Bittencourt Spricigo, Ariovaldo Bolzan, Ricardo Antonio Francisco Machado, Luiz Henrique Castelan Carlson, José Carlos Cunha Petrus. Separation of nutmeg essential oil and dense CO2 with a cellulose acetate reverse osmosis membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 173–179.

M. Héran, S. Elmaleh. Microfiltration through an inorganic tubular membrane with high frequency retrofiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 181–188.

K. Wu, S. Xie, G.S. Jiang, W. Liu, C.S. Chen. Oxygen permeation through (Bi2O3)0.74(SrO)0.26-Ag (40% v/o) composite. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 189–193.

Ying Dai, Xigao Jian, Shouhai Zhang, Michael D. Guiver. Thermostable ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes from sulfonated poly(phthalazinone ether sulfone ketone). Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 195–203.

R.Y.M. Huang, Pinghai Shao, G. Nawawi, X. Feng, C.M. Burns. Measurements of partition, diffusion coefficients of solvents in polymer membranes using rectangular thin-channel column inverse gas chromatography (RTCCIGC). Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 205–218.

Shejiao Han, Frederico Castelo Ferreira, Andrew Livingston. Membrane aromatic recovery system (MARS) - a new membrane process for the recovery of phenols from wastewaters. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 219–233.

E.E.B. Meuleman, J.H.A. Willemsen, M.H.V. Mulder, H. Strathmann. EPDM as a selective membrane material in pervaporation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 235–249.

Su-Hsia Lin, Ruey-Shin Juang. Mass-transfer in hollow-fiber modules for extraction and back-extraction of copper(II) with LIX64N carriers. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 251–262.

Pedro Taveira, Paulo Cruz, Adélio Mendes, Carlos Costa, Fernão Magalhães. Considerations on the performance of hollow-fiber modules with glassy polymeric membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 263–277.

Alsdeg M. Alsari, K.C. Khulbe, T. Matsuura. The effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate solutions as gelation media on the formation of PES membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 279–293.

MEETINGS CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 188 (2) 295–297.

VOL. 189 NO. 1, 2001

D. Bhanushali, S. Kloos, C. Kurth, D. Bhattacharyya. Performance of solvent-resistant membranes for non-aqueous systems: solvent permeation results and modeling. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 1–21.

M. Joshi, A.K. Mukherjee, B.D. Thakur. Development of a new styrene copolymer membrane for recycling of polyester fibre dyeing effluent. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 23–40.

N. Zydowicz, P. Chaumont, M.L. Soto-Portas. Formation of aqueous core polyamide microcapsules obtained via interfacial polycondensation. Optimization of the membrane formation through pH control. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 41–58.

Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz, Lara enorkyan, Niso Kalaonra, Melkon Tatlier, Aye Erdem-enatalar. n-Pentane/i-pentane separation by using zeolite-PDMS mixed martix membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 59–67.

P.K. Vadi, S.S.H. Rizvi. Experimental evaluation of a uniform transmembrane pressure crossflow microfiltration unit for the concentration of micellar casein from skim milk. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 69–82.

H. Ti Tien, Angelica L. Ottova. The lipid bilayer concept and its experimental realization: from soap bubbles, kitchen sink, to bilayer lipid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 83–117.

N.S. Rathore, J.V. Sonawane, Anil Kumar, A.K. Venugopalan, R.K. Singh, D.D. Bajpai, J.P. Shukla. Hollow fiber supported liquid membrane: a novel technique for separation and recovery of plutonium from aqueous acidic wastes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 119–128.

Natalia Pismenskaya, Victor Nikonenko, Bernard Auclair, Gérald Pourcelly. Transport of weak-electrolyte anions through anion exchange membranes. Current-voltage characteristics. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 129–140.

PATENTS ALERT. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 141–145.

MEETINGS CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (1) 147–149.

VOL. 189 NO. 2, 2001

Mohd. Zaki Sulaiman, Nik Meriam Sulaiman, Beicha Abdellah. Prediction of dynamic permeate flux during cross-flow ultrafiltration of polyethylene glycol using concentration polarization-gel layer model. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 151–165.

T. Carroll. The effect of cake and fibre properties on flux declines in hollow-fibre microfiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 167–178.

J.L. Niu, L.Z. Zhang. Membrane-based Enthalpy Exchanger: material considerations and clarification of moisture resistance. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 179–191.

C.Y. Feng, K.C. Khulbe, G. Chowdhury, T. Matsuura, V.C. Sapkal. Structural and performance study of microporous polyetherimide hollow fiber membranes made by solvent-spinning method. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 193–203.

Zdenk Palatý, Alena áková. Transport of hydrochloric acid through anion-exchange membrane NEOSEPTA-AFN. Application of Nernst-Planck equation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 205–216.

Wendy D. Mores, Robert H. Davis. Direct visual observation of yeast deposition and removal during microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 217–230.

Ye Liu, Rong Wang, Tai-Shung Chung. Chemical cross-linking modification of polyimide membranes for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 231–239.

G.H. Koops, S. Yamada, S.-I. Nakao. Separation of linear hydrocarbons and carboxylic acids from ethanol and hexane solutions by reverse osmosis. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 241–254.

Huimin Ma, Luis F. Hakim, Christopher N. Bowman, Robert H. Davis. Factors affecting membrane fouling reduction by surface modification and backpulsing. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 255–270.

A. Sungpet, J.D. Way, C.A. Koval, M.E. Eberhart. Silver doped Nafion-poly(pyrrole) membranes for facilitated permeation of liquid-phase olefins. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 271–279.

MEETINGS CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 189 (2) 281–283.

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