
Journal of Membrane Science

VOL. 190 NO. 1, 2001

Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Katsuki Kusakabe, Shigeharu Morooka. Selective oxidation of carbon monoxide in hydrogen-rich mixtures by permeation through a platinum-loaded Y-type zeolite membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 1–8.

A.K. Pandey, M.M. Gautam, J.P. Shukla, R.H. Iyer. Effect of pore characteristics on carrier-facilitated transport of Am(III) across track-etched membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 9–20.

Hyun Il Kim, Sung Soo Kim. Fabrication of reverse osmosis membrane via low temperature plasma polymerization. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 21–33.

H.M. Yeh, C.H. Chen. Recycle effects on solvent extraction through concurrent-flow parallel-plate membrane modules. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 35–44.

X.J. Yang, A.G. Livingston, L. Freitas dos Santos. Experimental observations of nanofiltration with organic solvents. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 45–55.

Kuo-Lun Tung, Sherjing Wang, Wei-Ming Lu, Chun-Hsi Pan. In situ measurement of cake thickness distribution by a photointerrupt sensor. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 57–67.

Young Duk Kim, Je Young Kim, Hwan Kwang Lee, Sung Chul Kim. A new modeling of asymmetric membrane formation in rapid mass transfer system. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 69–77.

Jun Yan, Rajinder Pal. Osmotic swelling behavior of globules of W/O/W emulsion liquid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 79–91.

Yutaka Okamoto, Kazushige Ohmori, Charles E. Glatz. Harvest time effects on membrane cake resistance of Escherichia coli broth. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1).

J.C. Aguilar, M. Sanchez-Castellanos, E. Rodriguez de San Miguel, J. de Gyves. Cd(II) and Pb(II) extraction and transport modeling in SLM and PIM systems using Kelex 100 as carrier. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 107–118.

M.J. Ariza, J. Benavente. Streaming potential along the surface of polysulfone membranes: a comparative study between two different experimental systems and determination of electrokinetic and adsorption parameters. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 119–132.

MEETINGS CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (1) 133–134.

VOL. 190 NO. 2, 2001

Ruoh-Chyu Ruaan, Hsuan-Liang Chou, Hui-An Tsai, Da-Ming Wang, Juin-Yih Lai. Factors affecting the nodule size of asymmetric PMMA membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 135–145.

P. Wu, R.W. Field, R. England, B.J. Brisdon. A fundamental study of organofunctionalised PDMS membranes for the pervaporative recovery of phenolic compounds from aqueous streams. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 147–157.

Xu Tongwen, Yang Weihua. Fundamental studies of a new series of anion exchange membranes: membrane preparation and characterization. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 159–166.

Sang-Hoon Park, Takeo Yamaguchi, Shin-ichi Nakao. Cut-off of dilute O/W emulsions through a microfiltration membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 167–178.

Jae Hoon Kim, Seong Yong Ha, Young Moo Lee. Gas permeation of poly(amide-6-b-ethylene oxide) copolymer. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 179–193.

Richard Ash, Sarah E. Espenhahn. Transport through a slab membrane governed by a concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient. Part IV. D(C)/D0=1+(aC)–b(aC)2. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 195–214.

Jin Kie Shim, Hee Seok Na, Young Moo Lee, Hoon Huh, Young Chang Nho. Surface modification of polypropylene membranes by g-ray induced graft copolymerization and their solute permeation characteristics. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 215–226.

Virginie Detallante, Dominique Langevin, Corinne Chappey, Michel Metayer, Regis Mercier, Michel Pineri. Water vapor sorption in naphthalenic sulfonated polyimide membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 227–241.

Hans J. Lehermeier, John R. Dorgan, J. Douglas Way. Gas permeation properties of poly(lactic acid). Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 243–251.

Patents Alert. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 253–256.

Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 190 (2) 257–258.

VOL. 191 NO. 1–2, 2001

C.N. Dudley, B. Schoberl, G.K. Sturgill, H.W. Beckham, M.E. Rezac. Influence of crosslinking technique on the physical and transport properties of ethynyl-terminated monomer/polyetherimide asymmetric membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 1–11.

Narayan Ramesh, J.L. Duda. A modified free-volume model: correlation of ion-conduction in strongly associating polymeric materials. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 13–30.

C.-H. Xing, Y. Qian, X.-H. Wen, W.-Z. Wu, D. Sun. Physical and biological characteristics of a tangential-flow MBR for municipal wastewater treatment. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 31–42.

H.C. Ferraz, T.L.M. Alves, C.P. Borges. Coupling of an electrodialysis unit to a hollow fiber bioreactor for separation of gluconic acid from sorbitol produced by Zymomonas mobilis permeabilized cells. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 43–51.

Shiguang Li, Vu A. Tuan, John L. Falconer, Richard D. Noble. Separation of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol and glucose using a ZSM-5 zeolite membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 53–59.

Armin Kargol. A mechanistic model of transport processes in porous membranes generated by osmotic and hydrostatic pressure. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 61–69.

Feras A. Hamad, Geeta Chowdhury, Takeshi Matsuura. Sulfonated polyphenylene oxide-polyethersulfone thin-film composite membranes. Effect of counterions on the gas transport properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 71–83.

T.C. Merkel, R.P. Gupta, B.S. Turk, B.D. Freeman. Mixed-gas permeation of syngas components in poly(dimethylsiloxane) and poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) at elevated temperatures. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 85–94.

P. Schaetzel, Z. Bendjama, C. Vauclair, Q.T. Nguyen. Ideal and non-ideal diffusion through polymers. Application to pervaporation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 95–102.

P. Schaetzel, C. Vauclair, G. Luo, Q.T. Nguyen. The solution-diffusion model. Order of magnitude calculation of coupling between the fluxes in pervaporation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 103–108.

Vitor Geraldes, Viriato Semiao, Maria Norberta de Pinho. Flow and mass transfer modelling of nanofiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 109–128.

M. Bailly, H. Roux-de Balmann, P. Aimar, F. Lutin, M. Cheryan. Production processes of fermented organic acids targeted around membrane operations: design of the concentration step by conventional electrodialysis. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 129–142.

Wan Cheong Wong, Louisa Tak Yin Au, Carlos Tellez Ariso, King Lun Yeung. Effects of synthesis parameters on the zeolite membrane growth. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 143–163.

James Decarolis, Seungkwan Hong, James Taylor. Fouling behavior of a pilot scale inside-out hollow fiber UF membrane during dead-end filtration of tertiary wastewater. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 165–178.

Javier Cervera, Jose A. Manzanares, Salvador Mafe. Ion size effects on the current efficiency of narrow charged pores. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 179–187.

Kyeong Taek Jung, Yong Gun Shul. Preparation of ZSM-5 zeolite film and its formation mechanism. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 189–197.

Tai-Horng Young, Wen-Yuan Chuang, Cheng-Wey Wei, Chih-Yuan Tang. Investigation of the drug distribution and release characteristics from particulate membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 199–205.

Tomomi Kawai, Kyoichi Saito, Kazuyuki Sugita, Takanobu Sugo, Hideo Misaki. Immobilization of ascorbic acid oxydase in multilayers onto porous hollow-fiber membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 207–213.

Jiang Yuanli, Wang Fuan, Kim Dong Hyun, Lim Mee Sook. Modeling of the permeation swelling of emulsion during lactic acid extraction by liquid surfactant membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 215–223.

Alicja M. Mika, Ronald F. Childs, James M. Dickson. Salt separation and hydrodynamic permeability of a porous membrane filled with pH-sensitive gel. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 225–236.

Jae-Hwan Choi, Seung-Hyeon Moon. Pore size characterization of cation-exchange membranes by chronopotentiometry using homologous amine ions. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 225–236.

Sandeep K. Karode. Laminar flow in channels with porous walls, revisited. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 237–241.

Shiguang Li, Wanqin Jin, Nanping Xu, Jun Shi. Erratum to "Mechanical strength, and oxygen and electronic transport properties of SrCo0.4Fe0.6O3-d-YSZ membranes" [J. Membr. Sci. 186 (2001) 195-204]. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 243–243.

Calendar of events. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 191 (1–2) 245–246.

VOL. 192 NO. 1–2, 2001

Yoshiaki Kiso, Yosuke Sugiura, Takane Kitao, Kazuyuki Nishimura. Effects of hydrophobicity and molecular size on rejection of aromatic pesticides with nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 1–10.

Cristina C. Pereira, Ronaldo Nobrega, Cristiano P. Borges. Membranes obtained by simultaneous casting of two polymer solutions. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 11–26.

Liang-Yin Chu, Sang-Hoon Park, Takeo Yamaguchi, Shin-ichi Nakao. Preparation of thermo-responsive core-shell microcapsules with a porous membrane and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) gates. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 27–39.

Jiang Ji, Mahesh Mehta. Mathematical model for the formation of thin-film composite hollow fiber and tubular membranes by interfacial polymerization. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 41–54.

Jiang Ji, Ronald F. Childs, Mahesh Mehta. Mathematical model for encapsulation by interfacial polymerization. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 55–70.

Jiunn Yeong Teo, Robert Beitle. Novel solvent stable micro-porous membrane made of whey protein isolate gel. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 71–82.

P.J. Harrington, G.W. Stevens. Steady-state mass transfer and modelling in hollow fibre liquid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 83–98.

Ivan Stanish, Harold G. Monbouquette. Engineering A23187/EDTA-containing metal-sorbing vesicles for selective extraction of divalent heavy metal ions. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 99–113.

R.Y.M. Huang, Pinghai Shao, X. Feng, C.M. Burns. Pervaporation separation of water/isopropanol mixture using sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK) membranes: transport mechanism and separation performance. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 115–127.

Sangho Lee, Richard M. Lueptow. Rotating reverse osmosis: a dynamic model for flux and rejection. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 129–143.

Raja Ghosh. Novel membranes for simulating biological barrier transport. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 145–154.

F.I. Talens-Alesson, Hanna Adamczak, Jan Szymanowski. Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration of phenol by means of oxyethylated fatty acid methyl esters. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 155–163.

Harit K. Vyas, R.J. Bennett, A.D. Marshall. Cake resistance and force balance mechanism in the crossflow microfiltration of lactalbumin particles. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 165–176.

Seung-Eun Nam, Kew-Ho Lee. Hydrogen separation by Pd alloy composite membranes: introduction of diffusion barrier. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 177–185.

Bernabe L. Rivas, Ignacio Moreno-Villoslada, Carlos Elvira, Julio San Roman. Analysis of the interactions of biologically active poly(methacrylic-aminosalicylic acid) supports with Ca2+ and Zn2+ by ultrafiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 187–191.

Kaoru Onuki, Gab-Jin Hwang, Arifal, Saburo Shimizu. Electro-electrodialysis of hydriodic acid in the presence of iodine at elevated temperature. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 193–199.

Tatsuo Maruyama, Shinji Katoh, Mitsutoshi Nakajima, Hiroshi Nabetani, Thomas P. Abbott, Atsushi Shono, Kazumi Satoh. FT-IR analysis of BSA fouled on ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 201–207.

Chih-Chiang Chao, Dah-Shyang Tsai. Si---Al---C gas separation membranes derived from polydimethylsilane and aluminum acetylacetonate. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 209–216.

W. Albrecht, Th. Weigel, M. Schossig-Tiedemann, K. Kneifel, K.-V. Peinemann, D. Paul. Formation of hollow fiber membranes from poly(ether imide) at wet phase inversion using binary mixtures of solvents for the preparation of the dope. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 217–230.

Jicai Huang, M.M. Meagher. Pervaporative recovery of n-butanol from aqueous solutions and ABE fermentation broth using thin-film silicalite-filled silicone composite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 231–242.

Raja Ghosh. Bioseparation using supported liquid membrane chromatography. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 243–247.

Trung Van Nguyen, Nicholas Vanderborgh. Erratum to "The rate of isothermal hydration of polyperfluorosulfonic acid membranes" [J. Membr. Sci. 143 (1998) 235-248]. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 249–249.

Meetings Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 192 (1–2) 251–252.

VOL. 193 NO. 1, 2001

A.F. Ismail, L.I.B. David. A review on the latest development of carbon membranes for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 1–18.

O. Morineau-Thomas, P. Legentilhomme, P. Jaouen. Improvement of the performance of the ultrafiltration of bentonite suspensions using a swirling decaying annular flow: comparison with tangential plane and axial annular flows. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 19–33.

H. Amandusson, L.-G. Ekedahl, H. Dannetun. Hydrogen permeation through surface modified Pd and PdAg membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 35–47.

N. Reber, A. Kuchel, R. Spohr, A. Wolf, M. Yoshida. Transport properties of thermo-responsive ion track membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 49–58.

Shih-Hsiung Chen, Rey-May Liou, Ching-Shan Hsu, Dong-Jong Chang, Kuang-Chang Yu, Chia-Yuan Chang. Pervaporation separation water/ethanol mixture through lithiated polysulfone membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 59–67.

Sandeep K. Karode, Ashwani Kumar. Flow visualization through spacer filled channels by computational fluid dynamics I.. Pressure drop and shear rate calculations for flat sheet geometry. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 69–84.

Xin-Ping Wang, Ning Li, Wei-Zu Wang. Pervaporation properties of novel alginate composite membranes for dehydration of organic solvents. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 85–95.

Myung-Suk Chun, Gui-Yung Chung, Jae-Jin Kim. On the behavior of the electrostatic colloidal interaction in the membrane filtration of latex suspensions. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 97–109.

Andrew P. Murphy, Charles D. Moody, Robert L. Riley, Shui Wai Lin, Balasingam Murugaverl, Patricia Rusin. Microbiological damage of cellulose acetate RO membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 111–121.

Tai-Shung Chung, Chan Mya Tun, K.P. Pramoda, Rong Wang. Novel hollow fiber membranes with defined unit-step morphological change. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 123–128.

Publisher's Note. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 129–129.

Eli Ruckenstein, Wei Guo. Crosslinked mercerized cellulose membranes and their application to membrane affinity chromatography. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (1) 131–140.

VOL. 193 NO. 2, 2001

Obituary. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) iii–iv.

Announcement. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) v–v.

Wan Cheong Wong, Louisa Tak Yin Au, Prudence P.S. Lau, Carlos Tellez Ariso, King Lun Yeung. Effects of synthesis parameters on the zeolite membrane morphology. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 141–161.

Kimberly L. Jones, Charles R. O'Melia. Ultrafiltration of protein and humic substances: effect of solution chemistry on fouling and flux decline. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 163–173.

Christopher D. Jones, Maria Fidalgo, Mark R. Wiesner, Andrew R. Barron. Alumina ultrafiltration membranes derived from carboxylate-alumoxane nanoparticles. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 175–184.

X. Qi, F.T. Akin, Y.S. Lin. Ceramic-glass composite high temperature seals for dense ionic-conducting ceramic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 185–193.

Frank Lipnizki, Robert W. Field. Mass transfer performance for hollow fibre modules with shell-side axial feed flow: using an engineering approach to develop a framework. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 195–208.

Jae Hoon Kim, Young Moo Lee. Gas permeation properties of poly(amide-6-b-ethylene oxide)-silica hybrid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 209–225.

A.W. Verkerk, P. van Male, M.A.G. Vorstman, J.T.F. Keurentjes. Description of dehydration performance of amorphous silica pervaporation membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 227–238.

B. Van der Bruggen, K. Everaert, D. Wilms, C. Vandecasteele. Application of nanofiltration for removal of pesticides, nitrate and hardness from ground water: rejection properties and economic evaluation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 239–248.

Shaomin Liu, Xiaoyao Tan, K. Li, R. Hughes. Preparation and characterisation of SrCe0.95Yb0.05O2.975 hollow fibre membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 249–260.

Patents Alert. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 261–267.

Meetings Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 193 (2) 269–270.

VOL. 194 NO. 1, 2001

Harry Lonsdale, Bill Koros. R.O. has come a long way. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 1–2.

Bovornlak Oonkhanond, Michael E. Mullins. The preparation and analysis of zeolite ZSM-5 membranes on porous alumina supports. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 3–13.

Mark Pasmore, Paul Todd, Sara Smith, Dawn Baker, JoAnn Silverstein, Darrell Coons, Christopher N. Bowman. Effects of ultrafiltration membrane surface properties on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm initiation for the purpose of reducing biofouling. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 15–32.

L.T.Y. Au, K.L. Yeung. An investigation of the relationship between microstructure and permeation properties of ZSM-5 membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 33–55.

Yongtaek Lee, Richard D. Noble, Bong-Yeol Yeom, You-In Park, Kew-Ho Lee. Analysis of CO2 removal by hollow fiber membrane contactors. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 57–67.

E.M. van Voorthuizen, N.J. Ashbolt, A.I. Schafer. Role of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions for initial enteric virus retention by MF membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 69–79.

D.G. Bessarabov, W.C. Michaels, Yu. M. Popkov. Galvanodynamic study of the electrochemical switching effect in perfluorinated cation-exchange membranes modified by ethylenediamine. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 81–90.

Hans-Hartmut Schwarz, Regine Apostel, Dieter Paul. Membranes based on polyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes for methanol separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 91–102.

A.A. Moya, J. Horno. Stationary electrodiffusion-adsorption processes in membranes including diffuse double layer effects. A network approach. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 103–115.

Sylvain Galier, Helene Roux-de Balmann. Study of the mass transfer phenomena involved in an electrophoretic membrane contactor. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 117–133.

D.G. Bessarabov, W.C. Michaels. Solid polyelectrolyte (SPE) membranes containing a textured platinum catalyst. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 135–140.

Halil Kalipcilar, John L. Falconer, Richard D. Noble. Preparation of B-ZSM-5 membranes on a monolith support. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 141–144.

Marcel Mulder. Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment. Tom Stephenson, Simon Judd, Bruce Jefferson and Keith Brindle (Eds.); IWA Publishing, London, UK, ISBN 1 900222 07 8. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 145–146.

Meetings Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (1) 149–149.

VOL. 194 NO. 2, 2001

Cai Bangxiao, Yu Li, Ye Hailin, Gao Congjie. Effect of separating layer in pervaporation composite membrane for MTBE/MeOH separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 151–156.

Hideto Matsuyama, Hideaki Yano, Taisuke Maki, Masaaki Teramoto, Kenji Mishima, Kiyoshi Matsuyama. Formation of porous flat membrane by phase separation with supercritical CO2. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 157–163.

Kimberly M. White, Bradley D. Smith, Peter J. Duggan, Sarah L. Sheahan, Edward M. Tyndall. Mechanism of facilitated saccharide transport through plasticized cellulose triacetate membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 165–175.

Kazuo Nomura, Tomozane Sakata. Diffusion potential is induced by coupled transport of ions through liquid membrane: nonlinear response to pH change in a reverse permeation system. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 177–184.

Q. Gan, J.A. Howell, R.W. Field, R. England, M.R. Bird, C.L. O'Shaughnessy, M.T. MeKechinie. Beer clarification by microfiltration - product quality control and fractionation of particles and macromolecules. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 185–196.

H.M. Yeh, C.H. Chen. Solvent extraction in cross-flow multipass parallel-plate membrane modules of fixed configuration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 197–206.

Gab-Jin Hwang, Kaoru Onuki. Simulation study on the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen iodide in a membrane reactor with a silica membrane for the thermochemical water-splitting IS process. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 207–215.

Takeo Yamaguchi, Takuo Suzuki, Teruhiko Kai, Shin-ichi Nakao. Hollow-fiber-type pore-filling membranes made by plasma-graft polymerization for the removal of chlorinated organics from water. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 217–228.

Kuo-Jen Hwang, Yi-Hsuan Yu, Wei-Ming Lu. Cross-flow microfiltration of submicron microbial suspension. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 229–243.

Bozena Kaeselev, John Pieracci, Georges Belfort. Photoinduced grafting of ultrafiltration membranes: comparison of poly(ether sulfone) and poly(sulfone). Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 245–261.

Ivan Stanish, Harold G. Monbouquette. Ternary complex formation dramatically enhances metal-sorbing vesicle selectivity. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 263–272.

M. Vieira, C.R. Tavares, R. Bergamasco, J.C.C. Petrus. Application of ultrafiltration-complexation process for metal removal from pulp and paper industry wastewater. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 273–276.

William J. Koros. Membrane Technology in the Chemical Industry. S.P. Nunes and K.V. Peinemann (Eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinhim, 2001, 299 pp.. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 277–277.

MEETINGS CALENDAR. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 194 (2) 279–279.

VOL. 196 NO. 1, 2001

Jasmedh Kaur, G.P. Agarwal. Studies on protein transmission in thin channel flow module: the role of dean vortices for improving mass transfer. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 1–11.

Sari Metsamuuronen, John Howell, Marianne Nystrom. Critical flux in ultrafiltration of myoglobin and baker's yeast. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 13–25.

A.J. Bromley, R.G. Holdich, I.W. Cumming. Particulate fouling of surface microfilters with slotted and circular pore geometry. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 27–37.

Luc Fillaudeau, Helene Carrere. Yeast cells, beer composition and mean pore diameter impacts on fouling and retention during cross-flow filtration of beer with ceramic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 39–57.

Xiao-Lin Wang, Ai-Ling Ying, Wei-Ning Wang. Nanofiltration of L-phenylalanine and L-aspartic acid aqueous solutions. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 59–67.

Anton Dafinov, Ricard Garcia-Valls, Josep Font. Modification of ceramic membranes by alcohol adsorption. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 69–77.

Alaa Fahmy, Dieter Mewes, Klaus Ohlrogge. On the integration of jet ejectors into hybrid dehydration processes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 79–84.

Guangling Pei, Guoxiang Cheng, Qiyun Du. Preparation of chelating resin filled composite membranes and selective adsorption of Cu(II). Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 85–93.

M.N. Beg, M.A. Matin. Studies with nickel phosphate membranes: evaluation of charge density and test of recently developed theory of membrane potential. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 95–102.

Tung-Wen Cheng. Influence of inclination on gas-sparged cross-flow ultrafiltration through an inorganic tubular membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 103–110.

Vu A. Tuan, Shiguang Li, John L. Falconer, Richard D. Noble. Separating organics from water by pervaporation with isomorphously-substituted MFI zeolite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 111–123.

N. Capelle, P. Moulin, F. Charbit, R. Gallo. Purification of heterocyclic drug derivatives from concentrated saline solution by nanofiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (1) 125–141.

VOL. 196 NO. 2, 2001

W.J. Koros. What is Membrane Science? Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 147–147.

S. Kuiper, R. Brink, W. Nijdam, G.J.M. Krijnen, M.C. Elwenspoek. Ceramic microsieves: influence of perforation shape and distribution on flow resistance and membrane strength. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 149–157.

Stein Kuiper, Cees van Rijn, Wietze Nijdam, Onno Raspe, Henk van Wolferen, Gijs Krijnen, Miko Elwenspoek. Filtration of lager beer with microsieves: flux, permeate haze and in-line microscope observations. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 159–170.

Qing Lin Liu, Hong Fang Chen. Modeling of esterification of acetic acid with n-butanol in the presence of Zr(SO4)2·4H2O coupled pervaporation. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 171–178.

Yonglie Wu, Xi Peng, Jingzhi Liu, Qingyi Kong, Baoli Shi, Maosong Tong. Study on the integrated membrane processes of dehumidification of compressed air and vapor permeation processes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 179–183.

Yinhua Wan, Xiujuan Zhang. Swelling determination of W/O/W emulsion liquid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 185–201.

Jayshree Ramkumar, S.K. Nayak, B. Maiti. Transport of uranyl ion across a bulk liquid membrane using calixarene and synergistic agents as carriers. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 203–210.

Kazuhisa Sato. Effects of the feed solution concentration on the separation degree in Donnan dialysis for binary systems of amino acids. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 211–220.

Zhikang Xu, Jianli Wang, Liqiang Shen, Dongfeng Men, Youyi Xu. Microporous polypropylene hollow fiber membrane. Part I. Surface modification by the graft polymerization of acrylic acid. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 221–229.

Takashi Kyotani, WeiHua Xu, Yu Yokoyama, Junichi Inahara, Hidekazu Touhara, Akira Tomita. Chemical modification of carbon-coated anodic alumina films and their application to membrane filter. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 231–239.

S. Tosti, L. Bettinali, S. Castelli, F. Sarto, S. Scaglione, V. Violante. Sputtered, electroless, and rolled palladium-ceramic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 241–249.

Tai-Shung Chung, Jian-Jun Qin, Alfred Huan, Kee-Chua Toh. Visualization of the effect of die shear rate on the outer surface morphology of ultrafiltration membranes by AFM. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 251–266.

Hyuck Jai Lee, Jongok Won, Hoosung Lee, Yong Soo Kang. Solution properties of poly(amic acid)-NMP containing LiCl and their effects on membrane morphologies. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 267–277.

G.A. Tishchenko, J. Dybal, J. Stejskal, V. Kdela, M. Bleha, E.Yu. Rosova, G.K. Elyashevich. Electrical resistance and diffusion permeability of microporous polyethylene membranes modified with polypyrrole and polyaniline in solutions of electrolytes. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 279–287.

Announcement. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 289–289.

Meetings Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2001, 196 (2) 291–291.

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