
Journal of Membrane Science

VOL. 195 NO. 1, 2002

Bill Koros, Karl Boddeker, Tony Fane, Shin-ichi Nakao. Publishers Note. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 1–10.

Yasuhiro Nishii, Takumi Kinugasa, Susumu Nii, Katsuroku Takahashi. Transport behavior of protein in bulk liquid membrane using reversed micelles. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 11–21.

Z.H. Ping, Q.T. Nguyen, S.M. Chen, Y.D. Ding. Pervaporation of water-ethanol mixtures with polyacrylate-grafted polyethylene acid (PE-g-AA) membranes. Physico-chemical analysis of the transport mechanism. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 23–34.

C.A. Cooper, Y.S. Lin. Microstructural and gas separation properties of CVD modified mesoporous g-alumina membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 35–50.

Michael J. Bridge, Kelly W. Broadhead, Vladimir Hlady, Patrick A. Tresco. Ethanol treatment alters the ultrastructure and permeability of PAN-PVC hollow fiber cell encapsulation membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 51–64.

Yang Gon Seo, Gyoung Ho Kum, Nigel A. Seaton. Monte Carlo simulation of transport diffusion in nanoporous carbon membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 65–73.

Teresa A.C. Oliveira, Justin T. Scarpello, Andrew G. Livingston. Pervaporation-biological oxidation hybrid process for removal of volatile organic compounds from wastewaters. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 75–88.

B. Auclair, V. Nikonenko, C. Larchet, M. Métayer, L. Dammak. Correlation between transport parameters of ion-exchange membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 89–102.

Peng Wang, K.L. Tan, E.T. Kang, K.G. Neoh. Plasma-induced immobilization of poly(ethylene glycol) onto poly(vinylidene fluoride) microporous membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 103–114.

Raja Ghosh. Study of membrane fouling by BSA using pulsed injection technique. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 115–123.

M.P. Bernal, J. Coronas, M. Menéndez, J. Santamaría. Characterization of zeolite membranes by temperature programmed permeation and step desorption. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 125–138.

Meetings Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (1) 139–139.

VOL. 195 NO. 2, 2002

R. Jiraratananon, A. Chanachai, R.Y.M. Huang, D. Uttapap. Pervaporation dehydration of ethanol-water mixtures with chitosan/hydroxyethylcellulose (CS/HEC) composite membranes. I. Effect of operating conditions. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 143–151.

T.C. Chilcott, M. Chan, L. Gaedt, T. Nantawisarakul, A.G. Fane, H.G.L. Coster. Electrical impedance spectroscopy characterisation of conducting membranes. I. Theory. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 153–167.

L. Gaedt, T.C. Chilcott, M. Chan, T. Nantawisarakul, A.G. Fane, H.G.L. Coster. Electrical impedance spectroscopy characterisation of conducting membranes. II. Experimental. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 169–180.

Brian D. Reid, Von Howard M. Ebron, Inga H. Musselman, John P. Ferraris, Kenneth J., Jr. Balkus. Enhanced gas selectivity in thin film composite membranes of poly(3-(2-acetoxyethyl)thiophene). Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 181–192.

S.W. Peretti, C.J. Tompkins, J.L. Goodall, A.S. Michaels. Extraction of 4-nitrophenol from 1-octanol into aqueous solution in a hollow fiber liquid contactor. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 193–202.

Johan N. Keuler, Leon Lorenzen. Developing a heating procedure to optimise hydrogen permeance through Pd-Ag membranes of thickness less than 2.2 mm. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 203–213.

J. Lemanski, G.G. Lipscomb. Effect of shell-side flows on the performance of hollow-fiber gas separation modules. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 215–228.

S. Matsui, D.R. Paul. Pervaporation separation of aromatic/aliphatic hydrocarbons by crosslinked poly(methyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid) membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 229–245.

I. Koyuncu, D. Topacik. Effect of organic ion on the separation of salts by nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 247–263.

Riina Liikanen, Jukka Yli-Kuivila, Risto Laukkanen. Efficiency of various chemical cleanings for nanofiltration membrane fouled by conventionally-treated surface water. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 265–276.

V.V. Kharton, A.V. Kovalevsky, A.A. Yaremchenko, F.M. Figueiredo, E.N. Naumovich, A.L. Shaulo, F.M.B. Marques. Surface modification of La0.3Sr0.7CoO3-d ceramic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 277–287.

Meeting Calender. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 195 (2) 289–289.

VOL. 197 NO. 1–2, 2002

Siobhan F.E. Boerlage, Maria D. Kennedy, Melvyn R. Dickson, Dima E.Y. El-Hodali, Jan C. Schippers. The modified fouling index using ultrafiltration membranes (MFI-UF): characterisation, filtration mechanisms and proposed reference membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 1–21.

Yuan-Yao Li, Tsuyoshi Nomura, Akiyoshi Sakoda, Motoyuki Suzuki. Fabrication of carbon coated ceramic membranes by pyrolysis of methane using a modified chemical vapor deposition apparatus. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 23–35.

O. Al Akoum, Michel Y. Jaffrin, Luhui Ding, Patrick Paullier, Clotilde Vanhoutte. An hydrodynamic investigation of microfiltration and ultrafiltration in a vibrating membrane module. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 37–52.

Wei Guo, Eli Ruckenstein. Crosslinked mercerized cellulose membranes for the affinity chromatography of papain inhibitors. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 53–62.

M.I. Ahmed, H.T. Chang, J.R. Selman, Thomas M. Holsen. Electrochemical chromic acid regeneration process: fitting of membrane transport properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 63–74.

A. Bottino, G. Capannelli, A. Comite. Catalytic membrane reactors for the oxidehydrogenation of propane: experimental and modelling study. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 75–88.

Christopher J. Orme, Mason K. Harrup, John D. McCoy, Donald H. Weinkauf, Frederick F. Stewart. Pervaporation of water-dye, alcohol-dye, and water-alcohol mixtures using a polyphosphazene membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 89–101.

P. Moulin, T. Allouane, L. Latapie, C. Raufast, F. Charbit. Treatment and valorisation of an industrial effluent by pervaporation. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 103–115.

Bing Cao, Michael A. Henson. Modeling of spiral wound pervaporation modules with application to the separation of styrene/ethylbenzene mixtures. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 117–146.

G.C. Steenkamp, K. Keizer, H.W.J.P. Neomagus, H.M. Krieg. Copper(II) removal from polluted water with alumina/chitosan composite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 147–156.

R. Moll, Ph. Moulin, D. Veyret, F. Charbit. Numerical simulation of Dean vortices: fluid trajectories. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 157–172.

Kazuhiro Tanaka, Hidetoshi Kita, Ken-ichi Okamoto, Richard D. Noble, John L. Falconer. Isotopic-transient permeation measurements in steady-state pervaporation through polymeric membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 173–183.

L. Yang, W.W. Hsiao, P. Chen. Chitosan-cellulose composite membrane for affinity purification of biopolymers and immunoadsorption. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 185–197.

Il Juhn Roh, Jae-Jin Kim, Soo Young Park. Mechanical properties and reverse osmosis performance of interfacially polymerized polyamide thin films. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 199–210.

L. Gales, A. Mendes, C. Costa. Removal of acetone, ethyl acetate and ethanol vapors from air using a hollow fiber PDMS membrane module. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 211–222.

Stuart H. Munson-McGee. An approximate analytical solution for the fluid dynamics of laminar flow in a porous tube. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 223–230.

Feng Wang, Michael Hickner, Yu Seung Kim, Thomas A. Zawodzinski, James E. McGrath. Direct polymerization of sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) random (statistical) copolymers: candidates for new proton exchange membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 231–242.

Masayo Hayama, Fukashi Kohori, Kiyotaka Sakai. AFM observation of small surface pores of hollow-fiber dialysis membrane using highly sharpened probe. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 243–249.

Siobhan F.E. Boerlage, Maria D. Kennedy, Ingrida Bremere, Geert Jan Witkamp, Jan Peter Van der Hoek, Jan C. Schippers. The scaling potential of barium sulphate in reverse osmosis systems. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 251–268.

Ambroise Brou, Luhui Ding, Pascal Boulnois, Michel Y. Jaffrin. Dynamic microfiltration of yeast suspensions using rotating disks equipped with vanes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 269–282.

Ho Bum Park, Young Moo Lee. Separation of toluene/nitrogen through segmented polyurethane and polyurethane urea membranes with different soft segments. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 283–296.

Romuald Wódzki, Piotr Szczepaski. Integrated hybrid membrane systems-membrane extraction and pertraction coupled to a pervaporation process. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 297–308.

Tatiana Gallego-Lizon, Emma Edwards, Giuseppe Lobiundo, Luisa Freitas dos Santos. Dehydration of water/t-butanol mixtures by pervaporation: comparative study of commercially available polymeric, microporous silica and zeolite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 309–319.

Meetings Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 197 (1–2) 321–321.

VOL. 198 NO. 1, 2002

Magnus Törnqvist, Tapio Hurme, Jarl B. Rosenholm. A new model for calculating ion diffusion and interactions in porous ceramic membranes based on the combination of the drift speed and the steady-state ion diffusion. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 1–8.

J.C. Diniz da Costa, G.Q. Lu, V. Rudolph, Y.S. Lin. Novel molecular sieve silica (MSS) membranes: characterisation and permeation of single-step and two-step sol-gel membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 9–21.

N. El-Said, N. Abdel Rahman, Emad H. Borai. Modification in Purex process using supported liquid membrane separation of cerium(III) via oxidation to cerium(IV)from fission products from nitrate medium by SLM. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 23–31.

C. Fernández-Pineda, M.A. Izquierdo-Gil, M.C. García-Payo. Gas permeation and direct contact membrane distillation experiments and their analysis using different models. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 33–49.

Wei Yuan, Aleksandra Kocic, Andrew L. Zydney. Analysis of humic acid fouling during microfiltration using a pore blockage-cake filtration model. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 51–62.

Il Juhn Roh. Influence of rupture strength of interfacially polymerized thin-film structure on the performance of polyamide composite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 63–74.

Rishi Shukla, Munir Cheryan. Performance of ultrafiltration membranes in ethanol-water solutions: effect of membrane conditioning. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 75–85.

A.A. McCarthy, P.K. Walsh, G. Foley. Characterising the packing and dead-end filter cake compressibility of the polymorphic yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus NRRLy2415. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 87–94.

Liang Hong, Weishing Chua. Fabrication of a dense La0.2Sr0.8CoO3-d/CoO composite membrane by utilizing the electroless cobalt plating technique. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 95–108.

Wen-Jen Lin, Chia-Hui Lu. Characterization and permeation of microporous poly(e-caprolactone) films. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 109–118.

Peter Kölsch, M. Noack, R. Schäfer, G. Georgi, R. Omorjan, J. Caro. Development of a membrane reactor for the partial oxidation of hydrocarbons: direct oxidation of propane to acrolein. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 119–128.

C.K. Yeom, S.H. Lee, H.Y. Song, J.M. Lee. Vapor permeations of a series of VOCs/N2 mixtures through PDMS membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 129–143.

Jia-Zhen Yang. Transport properties in the nanofiltration of NaNO3-water solutions with a weak acid polyelectrolyte membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 145–148.

Harm Schmoldt. Handbook on Bipolar Membrane Technology. A.J.B. Kemperman (Ed.), Twente University Press, 2000, ISBN 9036515203. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 149–150.

Patents Alert. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (1) 151–157.

VOL. 198 NO. 2, 2002

Jun Seon Choi, In Kyu Song, Wha Young Lee. Design of H3PW12O40-PPO (polyphenylene oxide) composite catalytic membrane reactor and its performance in the vapor-phase MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) decomposition. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 163–172.

Michael S. Strano, Andrew L. Zydney, Howard Barth, Gilber Wooler, Hans Agarwal, Henry C. Foley. Ultrafiltration membrane synthesis by nanoscale templating of porous carbon. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 173–186.

Hans-Georg Hicke, Ingeburg Lehmann, Günter Malsch, Mathias Ulbricht, Margot Becker. Preparation and characterization of a novel solvent-resistant and autoclavable polymer membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 187–196.

M.C. García-Payo, C.A. Rivier, I.W. Marison, U. von Stockar. Separation of binary mixtures by thermostatic sweeping gas membrane distillation. II. Experimental results with aqueous formic acid solutions. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 197–210.

Dong Fei Li, Tai-Shung Chung, Rong Wang, Ye Liu. Fabrication of fluoropolyimide/polyethersulfone (PES) dual-layer asymmetric hollow fiber membranes for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 211–223.

Wei-Ming Lu, Kuo-Lun Tung, Chun-Hsi Pan, Kuo-Jen Hwang. Crossflow microfiltration of mono-dispersed deformable particle suspension. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 225–243.

H.A. Tsai, D.H. Huang, S.C. Fan, Y.C. Wang, C.L. Li, K.R. Lee, J.Y. Lai. Investigation of surfactant addition effect on the vapor permeation of aqueous ethanol mixtures through polysulfone hollow fiber membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 245–258.

Rong Wang, Chun Cao, Tai-Shung Chung. A critical review on diffusivity and the characterization of diffusivity of 6FDA-6FpDA polyimide membranes for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 259–271.

J. Straatsma, G. Bargeman, H.C. van der Horst, J.A. Wesselingh. Can nanofiltration be fully predicted by a model? Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 273–284.

Andriy E. Yaroshchuk. Rejection of single salts versus transmembrane volume flow in RO/NF: thermodynamic properties, model of constant coefficients, and its modification. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 285–297.

Stéphanie Roualdes, José Sanchez, Jean Durand. Gas diffusion and sorption properties of polysiloxane membranes prepared by PECVD. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 299–310.

Akon Higuchi, Boo-Ok Yoon, Takao Asano, Kenta Nakaegawa, Satoshi Miki, Mariko Hara, Zhenjie He, Ingo Pinnau. Separation of endocrine disruptors from aqueous solutions by pervaporation. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 311–320.

Meetings Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 198 (2) 321–321.

VOL. 199 NO. 1–2, 2002

Shejiao Han, Laurence Puech, Robert V. Law, Joachim H.G. Steinke, Andrew Livingston. Selection of elastomeric membranes for the separation of organic compounds in acidic media. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 1–11.

Yong Wang, Satoshi Hirakawa, Hongyuan Wang, Kazuhiro Tanaka, Hidetoshi Kita, Ken-ichi Okamoto. Pervaporation properties to aromatic/non-aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures of cross-linked membranes of copoly(methacrylates) with pendant phosphate and carbamoylphosphonate groups. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 13–27.

Venkataraman Karthik, Sunando DasGupta, Sirshendu De. Modeling and simulation of osmotic pressure controlled electro-ultrafiltration in a cross-flow system. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 29–40.

Kuo-Jen Hwang, Tsung-Ting Lin. Effect of morphology of polymeric membrane on the performance of cross-flow microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 41–52.

Shun-He Zhong, Chuan-Feng Li, Xiu-Fen Xiao. Preparation and characterization of polyimide-silica hybrid membranes on kieselguhr-mullite supports. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 53–58.

Lay-Pee Ling, Heng-Fatt Leow, Mohamad Roji Sarmidi. Citric acid concentration by electrodialysis: ion and water transport modelling. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 59–67.

Kyung-Hee Kim, Seong-Jai Cho, Kyung-Jin Yoon, Jong-Jip Kim, Jowoong Ha, Dong-II Chun. Centrifugal casting of alumina tube for membrane application. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 69–74.

In-Chul Kim, Hyung-Gu Yun, Kew-Ho Lee. Preparation of asymmetric polyacrylonitrile membrane with small pore size by phase inversion and post-treatment process. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 75–84.

Ugo Cocchini, Cristiano Nicolella, Andrew G. Livingston. Braided silicone rubber membranes for organic extraction from aqueous solutions. I. Mass transport studies. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 85–99.

Ugo Cocchini, Cristiano Nicolella, Andrew G. Livingston. Braided silicone rubber membranes for organic extraction from aqueous solutions. II. Application to contained liquid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 101–115.

Jalal J. Jafar, Peter M. Budd, Ron Hughes. Enhancement of esterification reaction yield using zeolite A vapour permeation membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 117–123.

Abraham Sagiv. Theoretical formulation of the diffusion through a slab-theory validation. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 125–134.

K.S. Kim, K.H. Lee, K. Cho, C.E. Park. Surface modification of polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane by oxygen plasma treatment. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 135–145.

S. Mokrani, L. Dammak, G. Bulvestre, C. Larchet, B. Auclair. Experimental and theoretical studies of the crossed ionic fluxes through a cation-exchange membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 147–160.

Ute Reichert, Thomas Linden, Georges Belfort, Maria-Regina Kula, Jörg Thömmes. Visualising protein adsorption to ion-exchange membranes by confocal microscopy. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 161–166.

F.G. Wilhelm, I.G.M. Pünt, N.F.A. van der Vegt, H. Strathmann, M. Wessling. Cation permeable membranes from blends of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) and poly(ether sulfone). Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 167–176.

F.G. Wilhelm, N.F.A. van der Vegt, H. Strathmann, M. Wessling. Comparison of bipolar membranes by means of chronopotentiometry. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 177–190.

R. Wang, S.S. Chan, Y. Liu, T.S. Chung. Gas transport properties of poly(1,5-naphthalene-2,2'-bis(3,4-phthalic) hexafluoropropane) diimide (6FDA-1,5-NDA) dense membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 191–202.

Xu Tongwen, F.F. Zha. Fundamental studies on a new series of anion exchange membranes: effect of simultaneous amination-crosslinking processes on membranes ion-exchange capacity and dimensional stability. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 203–210.

R. Jiraratananon, A. Chanachai, R.Y.M. Huang. Pervaporation dehydration of ethanol-water mixtures with chitosan/hydroxyethylcellulose (CS/HEC) composite membranes. II. Analysis of mass transport. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 211–222.

W.J. Koros. Letters to the Editor. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 223–226.

Patents Alert. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 227–230.

Z.H. Ping, Q.T. Nguyen, S.M. Chen, Y.D. Ding. Corrigendum to "Pervaporation of water-ethanol mixtures with polyacrylate-grafted polyethylene (PE-g-AA) membranes Physico-chemical analysis of the transport mechanism". [Journal of Membrane Science 195 (2001) 23-34]. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 231–231.

Meetings Calendar. Journal of Membrane Science 2002, 199 (1–2) 233–234.


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