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Ïðîäîëæàåì ïóáëèêàöèþ ñîäåðæàíèÿ Journal of Membrane Science.
VOL. 171 NO. 2, JUNE 30, 2000
A.I. Schafer, U. Schwicker, M.M. Fischer, A.G. Fane & T.D. Waite. Microfiltration of colloids and natural organic matter. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 151–172
Sergei P. Agashichev & Dmitry V. Falalejev. Modeling driving force in processes of ultrafiltration of non-Newtonian fluids. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 173–182
Xiao-Ping Dai, Zhi-Fa Yang, Robert G. Luo & Kamalesh K. Sirkar. Lipase-facilitated separation of organic acids in a hollow fiber contained liquid membrane module. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 183–196
Tai-Horng Young, Yao-Huei Huang & Yen-Shih Huang. The formation mechanism of EVAL membranes prepared with or without the nonsolvent absorption process. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 197–206
L.Z. Zhang, Y. Jiang & Y.P. Zhang. Membrane-based humidity pump: performance and limitations. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 207–216
Veronika E. Reinsch, Alan R. Greenberg, Stephen S. Kelley, Rorik Peterson & Leonard J. Bond. A new technique for the simultaneous, real-time measurement of membrane compaction and performance during exposure to high-pressure gas. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 217–228
Yoshiaki Kiso, Yuta Nishimura, Takane Kitao & Kazuyuki Nishimura. Rejection properties of non-phenylic pesticides with nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 229–237
Premkumar S. Rallabandi & David M. Ford. Permeation of small molecules through polymers confined in mesoporous media. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 239–252
M. Niwa, H. Kawakami, S. Nagaoka, T. Kanamori & T. Shinbo. Fabrication of an asymmetric polyimide hollow fiber with a defect-free surface skin layer. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 253–261
Kazushige Ohmori & Charles E. Glatz. Effect of carbon source on microfiltration of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 263–271
K.C. Khulbe & T. Matsuura. Characterization of PPO membranes by oxygen plasma etching, gas separation and atomic force microscopy. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 273–284
Ulrich Mahr, Herry Purnama, Ellen Kempin, Reinhard Schomacker & Karl-Heinz Reichert. Synthesis and characterization of porous polymer membranes produced by interparticle crosslinking. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 171 (2) 285–291
VOL. 172 NO. 1–2, JULY 1, 2000
A. Mokdad & A. Dubault. Transport properties of carbon dioxide through single-phase polystyrene/poly(vinylmethylether) blends. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 1–8
H. Grib, M. Persin, C. Gavach, D.L. Piron, J. Sandeaux & N. Mameri. Amino acid retention with alumina nanofiltration membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 9–17
J. Schwinge, D.E. Wiley, A.G. Fane & R. Guenther. Characterization of a zigzag spacer for ultrafiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 19–31
E.B. Denkba, M. Seyyal & E. Pikin. Implantable 5-fluorouracil loaded chitosan scaffolds prepared by wet spinning. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 33–38
Douglas B. Burns & Andrew L. Zydney. Buffer effects on the zeta potential of ultrafiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 39–48
R.M. Goering, C.N. Bowman, C.A. Koval, R.D. Noble & M.E. Ashley. Complexation structure and transport mechanism of 1,5-hexadiene and 1-hexene through silver facilitated transport membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 49–57
Jasmin Wu & Vicki Chen. Shell-side mass transfer performance of randomly packed hollow fiber modules. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 59–74
S.I. Semenova, S.I. Smirnov & H. Ohya. Performances of glassy polymer membranes plasticized by interacting penetrants. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 75–89
M. Barboiu, C. Guizard, N. Hovnanian, J. Palmeri, C. Reibel, L. Cot & C. Luca. Facilitated transport of organics of biological interest: I. A new alternative for the separation of amino acids by fixed-site crown-ether polysiloxane membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 91–103
Shih-Hsiung Chen, Shih-Liang Huang, Kuang-Chang Yu, Juin-Yih Lai & Ming-Tsai Liang. Effect of CO2 treated polycarbonate membranes on gas transport and sorption properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 105–112
S. Belfer, R. Fainchtain, Y. Purinson & O. Kedem. Surface characterization by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy of polyethersulfone membranes-unmodified, modified and protein fouled. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 113–124
Isabelle Masselin, Xavier Chasseray, Marie-Reine Chevalier, Jean-Michel Laine & Daniel Lemordant. Determination of the porosity to thickness ratio Ak/x for UF and MF membranes by diffusion experiments. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 125–133
H. Li, A.G. Fane, H.G.L. Coster & S. Vigneswaran. An assessment of depolarisation models of crossflow microfiltration by direct observation through the membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 135–147
A.M. Barbe, P.A. Hogan & R.A. Johnson. Surface morphology changes during initial usage of hydrophobic, microporous polypropylene membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 149–156
Liao-Ping Cheng, Dar-Jong Lin & Kai-Chuan Yang. Formation of mica-intercalated-Nylon 6 nanocomposite membranes by phase inversion method. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 157–166
Kazukiyo Nagai, Benny D. Freeman, Angela Cannon & Harry R. Allcock. Gas permeability of poly(bis-trifluoroethoxyphosphazene) and blends with adamantane amino/trifluoroethoxy (50/50) polyphosphazene. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 167–176
Zongping Shao, Weishen Yang, You Cong, Hui Dong, Jianhua Tong & Guoxing Xiong. Investigation of the permeation behavior and stability of a Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3- oxygen membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 177–188
J. Benavente & G. Jonsson. Electrokinetic characterization of composite membranes: estimation of different electrical contributions in pressure induced potential measured across reverse osmosis membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 189–197
Qingsheng Wu, Nengwu Zheng, Yadong Li & Yaping Ding. Preparation of nanosized semiconductor CdS particles by emulsion liquid membrane with o-phenanthroline as mobile carrier. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 199–201
Andriy E. Yaroshchuk, Alexander L. Makovetskiy, Yuriy P. Boiko & Eduard W. Galinker. Non-steady-state membrane potential: theory and measurements by a novel technique to determine the ion transport numbers in active layers of nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 203–221
Pawel Dzygiel & Piotr Wieczorek. Extraction of amino acids with emulsion liquid membranes using industrial surfactants and lecithin as stabilisers. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 223–232
G. Alberti, M. Casciola & R. Palombari. Inorgano-organic proton conducting membranes for fuel cells and sensors at medium temperatures. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 233–239
Wen-Yuan Chuang, Tai-Horng Young & Wen-Yen Chiu. The effect of acetic acid on the structure and filtration properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 241–251
G.O. Yahaya, B.J. Brisdon, R. England & E.Z. Hamad. Analysis of carrier-mediated transport through supported liquid membranes using functionalized polyorganosiloxanes as integrated mobile/fixed-site carrier systems. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 253–268
Leda R. Castilho, Wolf-Dieter Deckwer & F. Birger Anspach. Influence of matrix activation and polymer coating on the purification of human IgG with protein A affinity membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 269–277
T. Godjevargova, V. Konsulov, A. Dimov & N. Vasileva. Behavior of glucose oxidase immobilized on ultrafiltration membranes obtained by copolymerizing acrylonitrile and N-vinylimidazol. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 279–285
E.C. Muniz & G. Geuskens. Influence of temperature on the permeability of polyacrylamide hydrogels and semi-IPNs with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 172 (1–2) 287–293
VOL. 173 NO. 1, JULY 10, 2000
K. Scott, A.J. Mahmood, R.J. Jachuck & B. Hu. Intensified membrane filtration with corrugated membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 1–16
S.M.J. Zaidi, S.D. Mikhailenko, G.P. Robertson, M.D. Guiver & S. Kaliaguine. Proton conducting composite membranes from polyether ether ketone and heteropolyacids for fuel cell applications. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 17–34
Christopher J. Gump, Xiao Lin, John L. Falconer & Richard D. Noble. Experimental configuration and adsorption effects on the permeation of C4 isomers through ZSM-5 zeolite membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 35–52
P. Sampranpiboon, R. Jiraratananon, D. Uttapap, X. Feng & R.Y.M. Huang. Pervaporation separation of ethyl butyrate and isopropanol with polyether block amide (PEBA) membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 53–59
S.P. Kaldis, G.C. Kapantaidakis & G.P. Sakellaropoulos. Simulation of multicomponent gas separation in a hollow fiber membrane by orthogonal collocation – hydrogen recovery from refinery gases. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 61–71
L. Lin & J.T. Guthrie. Preparation and characterisation of novel, blood-plasma-separation membranes for use in biosensors. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 73–85
Claudio M. Silva, Douglas W. Reeve, Hadi Husain, Hamid R. Rabie & Kimberly A. Woodhouse. Model for flux prediction in high-shear microfiltration systems. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 87–98
Shih-Hsiung Chen, Kuang-Chang Yu, Shih-Liang Houng & Juin-Yih Lai. Gas transport properties of HTPB based polyurethane/cosalen membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 99–106
Mathilde Courel, Manuel Dornier, Gilbert Marcel Rios & Max Reynes. Modelling of water transport in osmotic distillation using asymmetric membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 107–122
Mitsuteru Ogawa & Yoshio Nakano. Separation of CO2/CH4 mixture through carbonized membrane prepared by gel modification. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 123–132
A.G. Fadeev, M.M. Meagher, S.S. Kelley & V.V. Volkov. Fouling of poly[-1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne] membranes in pervaporative recovery of butanol from aqueous solutions and ABE fermentation broth. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (1) 133–144
VOL. 173 NO. 2, JULY 15, 2000
Taieb Aouak, Saad Moulay & Amel Hadj-Ziane. Microemulsion breakdown by pervaporation technique: the cyclohexane/water/n-butanol/sodium dodecylsulfate system. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 149–157
Pei Wang, Nanping Xu & Jun Shi. A pilot study of the treatment of waste rolling emulsion using zirconia microfiltration membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 159–166
T.J. Su, J.R. Lu, Z.F. Cui & R.K. Thomas. Fouling of ceramic membranes by albumins under dynamic filtration conditions. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 167–178
Yoshinobu Tanaka. Current density distribution and limiting current density in ion-exchange membrane electrodialysis. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 179–190
Huimin Ma, Christopher N. Bowman & Robert H. Davis. Membrane fouling reduction by backpulsing and surface modification. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 191–200
Laurent Bazinet, Denis Ippersiel, Christine Gendron, Jocelyne Beaudry, Behzad Mahdavi, Jean Amiot & Francois Lamarche. Cationic balance in skim milk during bipolar membrane electroacidification. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 201–209
Zdenk Palaty & Alena akova. Apparent diffusivity of some inorganic acids in anion-exchange membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 211–223
L. Martinez-Diez & M.I. Vazquez-Gonzalez. A method to evaluate coefficients affecting flux in membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 225–234
Cesar Acconci, Cecile Legallais, Mookambeswaran Vijayalakshmi & Sonia Maria Alves Bueno. Depyrogenation of snake antivenom serum solutions by hollow fiber-based pseudobioaffinity filtration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 235–245
S. Curcio, V. Calabro & G. Iorio. An experimental analysis of membrane bioreactor performances with immobilized chymosin. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 247–261
Li-Qun Wu, Pei Huang, Nanping Xu & Jun Shi. Effects of sol properties and calcination on the performance of titania tubular membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 263–273
Akira Yamauchi, Junko Tateyama, Ban-ichiroh Etoh, Minoru Takizawa, Yoshifumi Sugito & Seiji Doi. Charged mosaic membrane prepared from microsphere gel and its characterization. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 173 (2) 275–280
VOL. 174 NO. 1, JULY 20, 2000
Sang-Gyun Kim, Gyun-Taek Lim, Jonggeon Jegal & Kew-Ho Lee. Pervaporation separation of MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) and methanol mixtures through polyion complex composite membranes consisting of sodium alginate/chitosan. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 1–15
Anil Kumar, R. Haddad, G. Benzal, R. Ninou & A.M. Sastre. Use of modified membrane carrier system for recovery of gold cyanide from alkaline cyanide media using hollow fiber supported liquid membranes: feasibility studies and mass transfer modeling. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 17–30
Carola M. Braunbarth, Laura C. Boudreau & Michael Tsapatsis. Synthesis of ETS-4/TiO2 composite membranes and their pervaporation performance. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 31–42
Armin Kargol. Modified Kedem-Katchalsky equations and their applications. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 43–53
P. Sampranpiboon, R. Jiraratananon, D. Uttapap, X. Feng & R.Y.M. Huang. Separation of aroma compounds from aqueous solutions by pervaporation using polyoctylmethyl siloxane (POMS) and polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 55–65
Susheela Bai, S. Sridhar & A.A. Khan. Recovery of propylene from refinery off-gas using metal incorporated ethylcellulose membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 67–79
Mohammad Jafar Abdekhodaie. Diffusional release of a solute from a rectangular polymer reservoir into a finite external volume. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 81–86
Zhansheng Li & Chengzhang Jiang. Determination of the nonsolvent-polymer interaction parameter 13 in the casting solutions. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 87–96
Laurent Bazinet, Denis Ippersiel, Diane Montpetit, Behzad Mahdavi, Jean Amiot & Francois Lamarche. Effect of membrane permselectivity on the fouling of cationic membranes during skim milk electroacidification. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 97–110
R. Sondhi, Y.S. Lin & F. Alvarez. Crossflow filtration of chromium hydroxide suspension by ceramic membranes: fouling and its minimization by backpulsing. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 111–122
P. Puhlfur, A. Voigt, R. Weber & M. Morbe. Microporous TiO2 membranes with a cut off <500 Da. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 123–133
Helene Carrere. Study of hydrodynamic parameters in the cross-flow filtration of guar gum pseudoplastic solutions. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (1) 135–145
VOL. 174 NO. 2, JULY 31, 2000
Shinjiro Sawamoto, Haruhiko Ohya, Kazuo Yanase, Svetlana I. Semenova, Masahiko Aihara, Takashi Takeuchi & Youichi Negishi. Nanotechnological method to control pore diameter of organic-inorganic composite membrane: Part II. Molecular-wise vapor polymerization (MVP). Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 151–159
Ian J. Ball, Shu-Chuan Huang, Robert A. Wolf, James Y. Shimano & Richard B. Kaner. Pervaporation studies with polyaniline membranes and blends. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 161–176
Anshu Singh-Ghosal & W.J. Koros. Air separation properties of flat sheet homogeneous pyrolytic carbon membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 177–188
Frederic Pignon, Albert Magnin, Jean-Michel Piau, Bernard Cabane, Pierre Aimar, Martine Meireles & Peter Lindner. Structural characterisation of deposits formed during frontal filtration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 189–204
A.M. Ghosh, M. Balakrishnan, M. Dua & J.J. Bhagat. Ultrafiltration of sugarcane juice with spiral wound modules: on-site pilot trials. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 205–216
M. Di Luccio, B.D. Smith, T. Kida, C.P. Borges & T.L.M. Alves. Separation of fructose from a mixture of sugars using supported liquid membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 217–224
J.M.A. Tan, S.-H. Noh, G. Chowdhurry & T. Matsuura. Influence of surface tensions of solvent/nonsolvent mixtures in membrane casting solutions on the performance of poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene) oxide membranes for gas separation applications. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 225–230
R. Rautenbach, T. Linn & L. Eilers. Treatment of severely contaminated waste water by a combination of RO, high-pressure RO and NF - potential and limits of the process. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 231–241
Stefano Lo Presti & Mauro Moresi. Recovery of selected microbial metabolites from model solutions by reverse osmosis. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 243–253
Anne Jonquieres, Laurent Perrin, Stephanie Arnold, Robert Clement & Pierre Lochon. From binary to ternary systems: general behaviour and modelling of membrane sorption in purely organic systems strongly deviating from ideality by UNIQUAC and related models. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 255–275
M. Barboiu, C. Guizard, C. Luca, N. Hovnanian, J. Palmeri & L. Cot. Facilitated transport of organics of biological interest: II. Selective transport of organic acids by macrocyclic fixed site complexant membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 174 (2) 277–286
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