

VOL. 179 NO. 1–2, 2000

Elias Klein. Affinity membranes: a 10-year review. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 1–27.

Hassan Mahmud, Ashwani Kumar, Roberto M. Narbaitz & Takeshi Matsuura. A study of mass transfer in the membrane air-stripping process using microporous polyproplylene hollow fibers. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 29–41.

Kwang-Je Kim, Geeta Chowdhury & Takeshi Matsuura. Low pressure reverse osmosis performances of sulfonated poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) thin film composite membranes: effect of coating conditions and molecular weight of polymer. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 43–52.

iobhàn F.E. Boerlage, Maria D. Kennedy, Ingrida Bremere, Geert Jan Witkamp, Jan Peter van der Hoek & Jan C. Schippers. Stable barium sulphate supersaturation in reverse osmosis. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 53–68.

A. Wenzel, H. Yanagishita, D. Kitamoto, A. Endo, K. Haraya, T. Nakane, N. Hanai, H. Matsuda, N. Koura, H. Kamusewitz & D. Paul. Effects of preparation condition of photoinduced graft filling-polymerized membranes on pervaporation performance. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 69–77.

Ingmar H. Huisman, Pedro Prádanos & Antonio Hernández. The effect of protein–protein and protein–membrane interactions on membrane fouling in ultrafiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 79–90.

Hideto Matsuyama, Masuo Yuasa, Yoshiro Kitamura, Masaaki Teramoto & Douglas R. Lloyd. Structure control of anisotropic and asymmetric polypropylene membrane prepared by thermally induced phase separation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 91–100.

Kuniaki Takata, Yoshihisa Yamamoto & Toshikatsu Sata. Modification of transport properties of ion exchange membranes: XIV. Effect of molecular weight of polyethyleneimine bonded to the surface of cation exchange membranes by acid–amide bonding on electrochemical properties of the membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 101–107.

J. Michael Robinson, Eric J. Mechalke, Teresa E. Rogers, Preston L. Holland & Wendell C. Barber II. Electrohydrolysis recycling of waste iodide salts into hydriodic acid for the chemical conversion of biomass into liquid hydrocarbons. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 109–125.

Ivan Stanish & Harold G. Monbouquette. Selective, carrier-mediated uptake of dilute aqueous heavy metal ions by metal-sorbing vesicles in the presence of excess Mg2+ and Ca2+. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 127–136.

Maria Diná Afonso & Maria Norberta de Pinho. Transport of MgSO4, MgCl2, and Na2SO4 across an amphoteric nanofiltration membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 137–154.

N.I. Shtanko, V.Ya. Kabanov, P.Yu. Apel, M. Yoshida & A.I. Vilenskii. Preparation of permeability-controlled track membranes on the basis of 'smart' polymers. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 155–161.

M. Rabiller-Baudry, B. Chaufer, P. Aimar, B. Bariou & D. Lucas. Application of a convection–diffusion–electrophoretic migration model to ultrafiltration of lysozyme at different pH values and ionic strengths. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 163–174.

Paulo F.M.M. Correia & Jorge M.R. de Carvalho. Recovery of 2-chlorophenol from aqueous solutions by emulsion liquid membranes: batch experimental studies and modelling. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 175–183.

D. Shah, K. Kissick, A. Ghorpade, R. Hannah & D. Bhattacharyya. Pervaporation of alcohol–water and dimethylformamide–water mixtures using hydrophilic zeolite NaA membranes: mechanisms and experimental results. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 185–205.

Robert P. Castro, Harold G. Monbouquette & Yoram Cohen. Shear-induced permeability changes in a polymer grafted silica membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 207–220.

D.G. Bessarabov, W. Michaels & R.D. Sanderson. Preparation and characterisation of chemically-modified perfluorinated cation-exchange platinum-containing membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 221–229.

Noriaki Matsuda, Kiyotaka Sakai, Ken-ichiro Yamamoto & Hideki Iwasaki. Effects of hollow fiber packing fraction on blood flow pattern and gas transfer rate of an intravascular oxygenator (IVOX). Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 231–241.

J. Palmeri, P. Blanc, A. Larbot & P. David. Hafnia ceramic nanofiltration membranes: Part II. Modeling of pressure-driven transport of neutral solutes and ions. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 243–266.

Lloyd S. White & Albert R. Nitsch. Solvent recovery from lube oil filtrates with a polyimide membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 267–274.

Mark B. Shiflett & Henry C. Foley. On the preparation of supported nanoporous carbon membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 179 (1–2) 275–282.

VOL. 180 NO. 1, 2000

V.I. Volkov, Yu.M. Popkov, S.F. Timashev, D.G. Bessarabov, R.D. Sanderson & Z. Twardowski. Self-diffusion of water and fluorine ions in anion-exchange polymeric materials (membranes and resin) as determined by pulsed-field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 1–13.

S. Kuiper, C.J.M. van Rijn, W. Nijdam, G.J.M. Krijnen & M.C. Elwenspoek. Determination of particle-release conditions in microfiltration: a simple single-particle model tested on a model membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 15–28.

R. Ghosh & Z.F. Cui. Simulation study of the fractionation of proteins using ultrafiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 29–36.

Jesùs-Alberto Quezada Gallo, Frédéric Debeaufort, Francesca Callegarin & Andrée Voilley. Lipid hydrophobicity, physical state and distribution effects on the properties of emulsion-based edible films. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 37–46.

Frédéric Debeaufort, Jesus-Alberto Quezada-Gallo, Bruno Delporte & Andrée Voilley. Lipid hydrophobicity and physical state effects on the properties of bilayer edible films. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 47–55.

S. Chang & A.G. Fane. Filtration of biomass with axial inter-fibre upward slug flow: performance and mechanisms. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 57–68.

H.M. Krieg, J.C. Breytenbach & K. Keizer. Resolution of 1,2-epoxyoctane by enantioselective catalytic hydrolysis in a membrane bioreactor. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 69–80.

Bo Liu, Qiangguo Du & Yuliang Yang. The phase diagrams of mixtures of EVAL and PEG in relation to membrane formation. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 81–92.

M. Mercier-Bonin, C. Lagane & C. Fonade. Influence of a gas/liquid two-phase flow on the ultrafiltration and microfiltration performances: case of a ceramic flat sheet membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 93–102.

C. Jolivalt, S. Brenon, E. Caminade, C. Mougin & M. Pontié. Immobilization of laccase from Trametes versicolor on a modified PVDF microfiltration membrane: characterization of the grafted support and application in removing a phenylurea pesticide in wastewater. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 103–113.

Mohammad Bagher Gholivand & Sahar Khorsandipoor. Selective and efficient uphill transport of Cu(II) through bulk liquid membrane using N-ethyl-2-aminocyclopentene-1-dithiocarboxylie acid as carrier. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 115–120.

Maria Cristina Annesini, Adriana Memoli & Stefania Petralito. Kinetics of surfactant-induced release from liposomes: a time-dependent permeability model. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 121–131.

Richard Ash & Sarah E. Espenhahn. Transport through a slab membrane governed by a concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient: III. Numerical solution of the diffusion equation: 'early-time' and 'ROOT(t)' procedures. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 133–146.

L.M. van der Haar & H. Verweij. Homogeneous porous perovskite supports for thin dense oxygen separation membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 147–155.

Piotr Czekaj, Wendy Mores, Robert H. Davis & Carme Güell. Infrasonic pulsing for foulant removal in crossflow microfiltration. Journal of Membrane Science 2000, 180 (1) 157–169.


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