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Russian International Conference on
Chemical Thermodynamics

Moscow, June 27 - July 2, 2005

Convenient routes in Moscow

The way from airports to metro stations
The way from the "Universitet" metro station to University
The hotel "Kometa"
Hotel "Akademicheskaya", building 2
Hotel "Soyuz"
Map of Moscow Metro

The way from the "Universitet" metro station to University.

Go out from the "Universitet" metro station to Lomonosovskij prospekt. Moving toward the main building of MSU (spire). Cross the "Lomonosovskij prospekt" . There is a bus stop.

  • Way 1: Take the bus ¹119, ¹103, ¹130, ¹661, ¹187, ¹1 or trolleybus ¹34. Get off at the "ulitsa Lebedeva" or "Dom Kultury MSU" stops.
  • Way 2: Turn to the left and walk along afence. You will see the Main Building MSU on the right. There is library in front of the Main Building MSU. It take you 10-15 minutes.