T. A. Kotel, nikova, M. A. Smirnov, E. P. Ageev
of the Saturated Monoatomic Normal Alcogols Sorption on the Polyelectrolytic
Complex of Chitosan and Polyacrylic Acid on Evidence Derived from Gas
Polyelectrolyte complex of the chitosan and the polyacrilic acid (PEC) with the
correlation of the number of the moles of the aminogroups of the chitosan and
the carboxygroups of the polyacrilic acid 2:1 was study with the utilization of
the utmost monoatomic normal alcogols from the ethanol to the pentanol-1 as the
sorbates. PEC shous the properties of the smollspecifity sorbent. These
sorbates interact with the polymer in accodance of the mechanism of the local
sorbtion with the formation on the points of the high potential the isolate
polylayes. The methanol for PEC is the superficial active substance.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002