Al. Al. Berlin
Natural and Artificial Constructional Materials
Materials used by man in his
activities have always been playing an important and even decisive role in the
development of the civilization. It is not accidental that they gave names to
the whole historical epochs: Stone, Bronze, Iron Age... Modern epoch can be
called the Polymer Age. In the report attempt to show that the man has taken
from the nature and that he contrived himself; where he has overtaken it and
began to make better and where still there are resources for search, and also
that the nature for the present makes better the man. The man is ahead of the
nature in many fields relating to creation of new materials. He creates number
metals and alloys resistant to various loads. We use oil as a raw material and
synthesize a great number of organic polymers and high-strength fibers.
Processing of various materials, especially polymeric, developed by the man
have huge advantages than natural one. We created composites with record
strength and heat-resistance. At the same time, there is a considerable lag in
the development of gradient structures. Plastic ceramics is still a dream of
the mankind. Inorganic polymers, inorganic-organic composite materials
(widespread in the nature) seem to be our future. They shall be easy to
process, shall have thermal, chemical and water resistance. Finally, we need a
material, which could be used instead of oil and gas for synthesis of organic
polymers and composites - it could be natural polysaccharides, cellulose,
chitin, and proteins. It is necessary to develop new polymer processing methods
that have less environmental impact. One more important problem (especially
from ecological point of view) is reprocessing of constructional materials and
subsequent use of such products.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002