M. A. Gorbacheva, G. P. Shumakovich, O. V. Morozova, A. V. Streltsov, E. A. Zaitseva, S. V. Shleev
Comparative studies of biocatalytic reactions of high- and
low-redox potential laccases in homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions
The comparison of
homogeneous catalytic and heterogeneous bioelectrocatalytic properties of high-
and low-redox potential fungal and trees laccases has been performed. The significant differences in the catalytic
activity of fungal and trees laccases towards electron-donor and
proton-electron-donor substrates at different pH, as well as
bioelectrocatalytic activity of oxygen reduction by these enzymes, were shown. A
suggestion about dependence of different biocatalytical properties of studied
enzymes and their possible roles in the metabolism of lignin was given
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002