Table of Contents
Volume 58, Number 3 (2017)
I. V. Polyakov, M. G. Khrenova, A. A. Moskovskii, P. N. Telegin, J. -P. Zhang, A. V. Nemukhin
Estimatesoftheabsorption QYbandmaximumin the
light-harvesting complex of the bacterial
photosynthetic center from Thermochromatium tepidum
| Abstract |
S. N. Igumnov, A. V. Valkov
Separation of
rare earth elements in the system: tributyl phosphate – Ln(NO3)3
– Ca(NO3)2 in the counter current process
| Abstract |
S. V. Kryuchkova, M. Yu. Yablokova, A. Yu. Alentiev, L. G. Gasanova, A. V. Kepman
Influence of polymer’s
chemical structure on the morphology and gas transport properties
| Abstract |
K. L. Timofeev, G. I. Maltsev, A. V. Sviridov
The kinetics of sorption of ions of indium, iron and zinc on a
modified montmorillonite
| Abstract |
A. N. Stavrianidi*, E. A. Stekolshchikova, P. N. Turova, I. A. Rodin, O. A. Shpigun (Division of Analytical Chemistry; *e-mail: stavrianidi. andrey@gmail. com)
Quantitative analysis
of multicomponent system for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
determination of diosgenin, dioscin and protodioscin in plant extracts of Tribulus
| Abstract |
V. Yu. Grigorev, L. D. Grigoreva
Investigation of
molecular histograms of distances between atoms in organic homologs on the
basis of R/S analysis
| Abstract |