I. V. Karsakova, T. I. Tikhomirova, G. I. Tsysin
and research of properties of magnetic sorbents based on hydrophobized silica
The method for producing magnetic
nanocomposite sorbents based on sorption of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) Fe3O4
on hydrophobised silica with different structural characteristics was proposed.
The magnetic properties, stability, and structural characteristics of the
obtained magnetic sorbents were investigated. The effect of the incorporation
of nanoparticles Fe3O4 into the sorbent matrix on their
sorption capacity was studied. It was established that the sorption properties
of hydrophobized silica modified by MNPs depend on both the structural
parameters of the silica matrix and the size of the sorbate molecules.
Key words: sorption,
chemically modified silica, magnetite nanoparticles, magnetic sorbents.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002