Table of Contents
Volume 64, Number 4 (2023)
Scientific school “Enzyme engineering and biocatalysis” of the
corresponding member of the USSR academy of sciences I.V. Berezin: 50 years of
development and achievements
| Abstract |
Vladimir I. Tishkov, Anastasia A. Pometun, Svyatoslav S. Savin
dehydrogenase: from NAD(P)h regeneration to the target in pathogens biofilms, a
component of highly efficient hybrid biocatalysts and CO2 fixation
from the atmosphere
| Abstract |
P. Sinitsyn, Olga A. Sinitsyna, Ivan N. Zorov, Aleksandra M. Rozhkova
– 50 years of research at the department of chemical enzymology of Lomonosov Moscow
state university, history and prospects
| Abstract |
Nikolay V. Panin, Dorel
T. Guranda, Irina V. Shapovalova, Vytas K. Švedas
acylase: a retrospective of studying the kinetics and thermodynamics of
practically significant reactions
| Abstract |
Ilya N. Kurochkin, Alexandra D. Vasilyeva, Evgeniy G. Evtushenko, Arkady V. Eremenko, Dmitry V. Pergushov, Larisa V. Sigolaeva
in the development of physico-chemical methods for biomedical research
| Abstract |
Leonid A. Shaposhnikov, Svyatoslav S. Savin, Denis L. Atroshenko, Tatyana A. Chubar, Evgenii V. Pometun, Vladimir I. Tishkov, Anastasia A. Pometun
the N-terminal sequence of Glycine max soybean formate dehydrogenase
| Abstract |
Discussions |
Andrey V. Levashov, Vladimir V. Fedorchuk, Svyatoslav S. Savin, Vladimir
I. Tishkov
Relationship between society, chemistry and biotechnology.
Scientific, economic and ethico-moral aspects
| Abstract |
dates |
Vasilyevich Berezin (to the centenary of the birth)
| Abstract |