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Mikhail Ya. Melnikov, Oleg I. Gromov, Vladimir I. Pergushov, Daria A. Pomogailo, Ivan D. Sorokin

Photochemistry of methyl formate radical cations in frozen CFCl3 matrices


Abstract. A novel mechanism has been discovered for the phototransformations of methyl formate radical cations (RCs) wherein an RC that is furnished upon thermally induced 1,2-transfer of an hydrogen atom in the methyl group to the bridging oxygen atom undergoes photoinduced H+ transfer to the matrix.
Key words: methyl formate radical cations, photochemistry, freon matrices, reaction mechanisms
Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin.
2025, Vol. 66, No. 2, P. 100

Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002
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