
Table of Contents
Volume 66, Number 2 (2025)

Vasily G. Panferov, Olga D. Hendrickson, Anatoly V. Zherdev, Boris B. Dzantiev
Surface modified nanozymes: production, properties, and analytical application


Mikhail Ya. Melnikov, Oleg I. Gromov, Vladimir I. Pergushov, Daria A. Pomogailo, Ivan D. Sorokin
Photochemistry of methyl formate radical cations in frozen CFCl3 matrices


Yana A. Gromova, Andrey V. Solovyev, Alexander Yu. Ermilov, Tatyana I. Shabatina
Interaction of silver clusters with 7-aminocholesterol: non-empirical study


A. V. Soloviev, A. Yu. Ermilov, Yu. N. Morozov, I. V. Astashova, A. V. Filinovskiy, T. I. Shabatina
DFT study of dioxidine oligomers formation in gas phase and CO2 medium


Veniamin Y. Grigorev1, Ludmila D. Grigoreva2, Oleg V. Tinkov3
Calculation and Properties of 3D Molecular Shannon Entropy Using Interatomic Distance Histograms


Vladimir N. Matveenko, Eugine A. Kirsanov
Viscosity of concentrated dispersions of spherical particles in the framework of a structural model


Alexey A. Titov1, Alexander E. Kuznetsov2, Natalia V. Komarova1
Optimization of covalent DNA immobilization for contact printing method


Andrei G. Yakovlev, Alexandra S. Taisova, Zoya G. Fetisova
Intramolecular femtosecond conversion of energy in the chlorosomes of photosynthetic green bacteria Chloroflexus Aurantiacus


Sergey M. Butrim1, Tatiana D. Bilʼdyukevich1, Natalia S. Butrim1, Vladimir V. Litvyak2
Obtaining and studying the properties of highly substituted cationic starches of different botanical origins

On the anniversary of the Moscow State University and the faculty of chemistry

Olga N. Zefirova, Tatiana V. Bogatova
About the “case” of professor N. D. Zelinsky: Does singing interfere with the efficiency of laboratory work?

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