Table of Contents
Volume 66, Number 2 (2025)
Vasily G. Panferov, Olga D. Hendrickson, Anatoly V. Zherdev, Boris B. Dzantiev
modified nanozymes: production, properties, and analytical application
| Abstract |
Mikhail Ya. Melnikov, Oleg I. Gromov, Vladimir I. Pergushov, Daria A. Pomogailo, Ivan D. Sorokin
of methyl formate radical cations in frozen CFCl3 matrices
| Abstract |
Yana A. Gromova, Andrey
V. Solovyev, Alexander Yu. Ermilov, Tatyana I. Shabatina
of silver clusters with 7-aminocholesterol: non-empirical study
| Abstract |
A. V. Soloviev, A. Yu. Ermilov, Yu. N. Morozov, I. V. Astashova, A. V. Filinovskiy, T. I. Shabatina
study of dioxidine oligomers formation in gas phase and CO2 medium
| Abstract |
Veniamin Y. Grigorev1, Ludmila D. Grigoreva2, Oleg V. Tinkov3
and Properties of 3D Molecular Shannon Entropy Using Interatomic Distance
| Abstract |
Vladimir N. Matveenko, Eugine A. Kirsanov
Viscosity of concentrated dispersions of spherical
particles in the framework of a structural model
| Abstract |
A. Titov1, Alexander E. Kuznetsov2, Natalia V. Komarova1
of covalent DNA immobilization for contact printing method
| Abstract |
Andrei G. Yakovlev, Alexandra S. Taisova, Zoya G. Fetisova
femtosecond conversion of energy in the chlorosomes of photosynthetic green
bacteria Chloroflexus Aurantiacus
| Abstract |
Sergey M. Butrim1, Tatiana D. Bilʼdyukevich1, Natalia S. Butrim1, Vladimir V. Litvyak2
and studying the properties of highly substituted cationic starches of
different botanical origins
| Abstract |
On the anniversary of
the Moscow State University and the faculty of chemistry |
Olga N. Zefirova, Tatiana V. Bogatova
About the “case” of professor N. D. Zelinsky: Does singing
interfere with the efficiency of laboratory work?
| Abstract |