junior researcher, PhD in Chemistry
In 2007 T. Yankova graduated cum laude from Chemistry Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University and continued education as PhD student.
In 2008 she worked by exchange programm at University of Hyogo (Graduate School of Material Science), Japan, http://www.sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp/english/index.html
2009, 2010 and 2011 - scientific visits to ETH Zurich, http://www.neutron.ethz.ch/
In 2013 T. Yankova defended PhD thesis "Distributions of orientational axes of spin probes" in field of physical chemistry (scientific advisor Prof. A.Kh. Vorobiev). PDF of the PhD thesis abstract (in Russian).
Scientific Interests
Spin-probe method. Numerical simulation of ESR-spectra. Partially ordered media. Photo-orientation and photoselection.
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics, Chair of Chemical Kinetics,
Chemical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1/3,
lab. 128à |
Tel: +7(495) 9394900
E-mail: ya.tatiana@gmail.com |
Selected publications
- Chumakova N.A., Yankova T.S., Vorobiev A. Kh., EPR study of the orientation distribution function of HO2 radicals ordered by light irradiation// Applied magnetic resonance, 33, ¹1-2 (2008), 117-126. PDF
- N. A. Chumakova, D. A. Pomogailo, T. S. Yankova, A. Kh. Vorobiev, The novel stable nitroxide radicals as perspective spin probes for study of orientation order of liquid crystals and polymers, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst. 540 (2011) 196-204. PDF
- T.S.Yankova, N.A.Chumakova, D.A.Pomogailo, A.Kh.Vorobiev, Spin probe orientation distribution functions in aligned nematic liquid crystal, Magnetic Resonance in Solids Electronic Journal 13 (2) (2011) 10-13. PDF
- T. Yankova, D. Huevonen, S. Muehlbauer, D. Schmidiger, E. Wulf, S. Zhao, A. Zheludev, T. Hong, V.O. Garlea, R. Custelcean and G. Ehlers, Crystals for neutron scattering studies of quantum magnetism // Philosophical magazine, V. 92, Nos. 19-21 (2012) 2629-2647.
- T.S. Yankova, A.Yu. Bobrovsky, A.Kh. Vorobiev, Order parameters P2, P4 and P6 of aligned nematic LC-polymer as determined by numerical simulation of EPR spectra // J. Phys. Chem. B 116 (2012) 6010. PDF
- A.Kh. Vorobiev, T.S. Yankova, N. A. Chumakova, Orientation distribution function and order parameters of oriented spin probe as determined by EPR spectroscopy // Chemical Physics 409 (2012) 61-73. PDF
- T.S. Yankova, N.A. Chumakova, D.A. Pomogailo, A.Kh. Vorobiev, Orientational order of guest molecules in aligned liquid crystal as measured by EPR and UV–vis techniques, Liquid crystals, V. 40(8) (2013) 1135-1145.