Химический факультет МГУ

Лаборатория химии нуклеопротеидов

Избранные статьи

  1. Mazhuga A.G., Zvereva M.E. (2011) TELOMERASE INHIBITORS AND A METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOFWIPO Patent Application, : WO/2011/126409. >>
  2. Osterman I.A., Sergiev P.V., Tsvetkov P.O., Makarov A.A., Bogdanov A.A., Dontsova O.A. (2011)Methylated 23S rRNA nucleotide m(2)G1835 of Escherichia coli ribosome facilitates subunit associationBiochimie, 93: 725-729. >>
  3. Sergiev P., Golovina A., Prokhorova I., Sergeeva O., Osterman I., Nesterchuk M., Burakovsky D., Bogdanov A., Dontsova O. (2011) Modifications of Ribosomal RNA: From Enzymes to FunctionRibosomes Structure, Function, and Dynamics- Rodnina/ Wintermeyer/ Green (Editors) - Springer Verlag, Wien, : 97-110. >>
  4. Shubernetskaya O., Logvina N., Sharanov Y., Zvereva M. (2011) Yeast telomerase protein Est3 is a novel type of GTPaseBiochimie, 93 (2): 202-6. >>
  5. Zvereva M.I., Shcherbakova D.M., Dontsova O.A. (2010) Telomerase: structure, functions, and activity regulationBiochemistry (Mosc), 75 (13): 1563-83. >>
  6. Shpanchenko O.V., Bugaeva E.Y., Golovin A.V., Dontsova O.A. (2010) Trans-translation: Findings and hypothesesMolecular Biology, 44 (4): 495-502.
  7. Golovina A.Y., Bogdanov A.A., Dontsova O.A., Sergiev P.V. (2010) Purification of 30S ribosomal subunit by streptavidin affinity chromatographyBiochimie, 92 (7): 914-917.
  8. Burakovsky, D.E., Sergiev, P.V., Steblyanko, M.A., Kubarenko, A.V., Konevega, A.L., Bogdanov, A.A., Rodnina, M.V., Dontsova O.A. (2010) Mutations at the accommodation gate of the ribosome impair RF2-dependent translation terminationRNA, 16: 1848-1853. >>
  9. Petrenko A.A., Korolenkova L.I., Skvortsov D.A., Fedorova M.D., Skoblov M.U., Baranova A.V.,Zvereva M.E., Rubtsova M.P., Kisseljov F.L. (2010) Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: Telomerase activity and splice pattern of hTERT mRNABiochimie, 92 (12): 1827-31. >>
  10. Bugaeva E.Y., Surkov S., Golovin A.V., Ofverstedt L.G., Skoglund U., Isaksson L.A., Bogdanov A.A., Shpanchenko O.V., Dontsova O.A. (2009) Structural features of the tmRNA-ribosome interactionRNA-Publ. RNA Soc., 15 (12): 2312-2320.
  11. Golovina A.Y., Sergiev P.V., Golovin A.V., Serebryakova M.V., Demina I., Govorun V.M., Dontsova O.A.(2009) The yfiC gene of E-coli encodes an adenine-N6 methyltransferase that specifically modifies A37 of tRNA(1)(Val)(cmo(5)UAC)RNA-Publ. RNA Soc., 15 (6): 1134-1141.
  12. Shcherbakova D.M., Sokolov K.A., Zvereva M.I., Dontsova O.A. (2009) Telomerase from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is active in vitro as a monomerBiochemistry (Mosc), 74 (7): 923-932. >>
  13. Rubtsova M.P., Skvortsov D.A., Petruseva I.O., Lavrik O.I., Spirin P.V., Prasolov V.S., Kisseljov F.L., Dontsova O.A. (2009) Replication protein A modulates the activity of human telomerase in vitro.Biochemistry (Mosc), 74 (1): 92-96. >>
  14. Sergiev P.V., Serebryakova M.V., Bogdanov A.A., Dontsova O.A. (2008) The ybiN gene of E. coli encodes adenine-N6 methyltransferase specific for modification of A1618 of 23S ribosomal RNA, a methylated residue located close to the ribosomal exit tunnelJ. Mol. Biol., 375: 291-300. >>
  15. Sergiev P.V., Bogdanov A.A., Dontsova O.A. (2007) Ribosomal RNA guanine-(N2)-methyltransferases and their targetsNucleic Acids Research, 35 (7): 2295-2301.
  16. Lesnyak D.V., Osipiuk J., Skarina T., Sergiev P.V., Bogdanov A.A., Edwards A., Savchenko A., Joachimiak A., Dontsova O.A. (2007) Methyltransferase that modifies guanine 966 of the 16 S rRNA - Functional identification and tertiary structureJournal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (8): 5880-5887.
  17. Lesnyak D.V., Sergiev P.V., Bogdanov A.A., Dontsova O.A. (2006) Identification of Escherichia coli m(2) G methyltransferases: I. The ycbY gene encodes a methyltransferase specific for G2445 of the 23 S rRNAJournal of Molecular Biology, 364 (1): 20-25.
  18. Sergiev P.V., Lesnyak D.V., Bogdanov A.A., Dontsova O.A. (2006) Identification of Escherichia coli m(2) G methyltransferases: II. The ygjO gene encodes a methyltransferase specific for G1835 of the 23 S rRNAJournal of Molecular Biology, 364 (1): 26-31.
  19. Sharanov Y.S., Zvereva M.I., Dontsova O.A. (2006) Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase subunit Est3p binds DNA and RNA and stimulates unwinding of RNA/DNA heteroduplexesFEBS Letters, 580: 4683-4690. >>
  20. Rubtsova M.P., Sizova D.V., Dmitriev S.E., Ivanov D.S., Prassolov V.S., Shatsky I.N. (2003) Distinctive properties of the 5 '-untranslated region of human Hsp70 mRNAJournal of Biological Chemistry, 278 (25): 22350-22356.

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