Спектроскопия ЯМР высокого разрешения
в органической и металлорганической химии.
Parahydrogen Induced Polarization in Hydrogenation Reactions
1986, Bowers and Weitekamp |
First discovery, which showed the ability of this
NMR–technique to clucidate the pairwise hydrogen transfer to the substrates. |
1988-94, Bargon, Eisenberg et al. |
Identification of unstable dihydride intermediates,
participating in the catalytic cycles of hydrogenation reactions catalyzed by rhodium,
iridium, palladium and ruthenium complexes of different structures. |
1995-96, Bargon, Klages, Permin, Petrosyan |
Study of PHIP in the homogeneous hydrogenation
reactions of alkenes and alkynes, catalyzed by various platinum complexes. |
Inorganic complexes:
Cl2Pt(PPH3)2, Cl(H)Pt(PPh3)2,
Cl(H)Pt(PMePh2)2, Cl3Sn(H)Pt(PR3)2
[R=Ph, Me]
Organometallic complexes:
