D.I. Mendeleev A.M.Butlerov

Chair of Chemical Kinetics
Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics

Members of Laboratory of Chemical Kinetics

Mel'nikov M. Ya.

M.Ya. Melnikov,
Dr. Sci, Prof., chief researcher,
Head of the Laboratory

Vobobiev A.Kh.

A.Kh. Vorobiev,
Dr. Sci., Prof.

Zhidomirov G. M.

G.M. Zhidomirov,
Dr. Sci., senior researcher

Kondakov S. E.

S.E. Kondakov,
Dr. Sci, leading researcher

Pergushov V. I.

V.I. Pergushov,
Dr., leading researcher

Golubeva E. N.

E.N. Golubeva,
Dr., leading researcher

Chumakova N.A.

N.A. Chumakova,
Dr., associate professor

Smorodinskaya J. Ya.

J.Ya. Smorodinskaya,
Dr., researcher

Ivanova O. A.

O.A. Ivanova,
Dr., senior researcher

Budynina E.M.

E.M. Budynina,
Dr., senior researcher

Chagarovsky A.O.

Chagarovsky A.O.,
Dr., researcher

Willemson E.V.

E.V. Willemson,
Dr., researcher

Leenson I.A.

I.A. Leenson,
Dr., senior researcher

Skrepleva I.Yu.

I.Yu. Skrepleva,
Dr., researcher


O.I. Gromov,
Dr., junior researcher

Yankova T.S.

T.S. Yankova,
Dr., junior researcher

Sorokin I. D.

I.D. Sorokin,
Dr., junior researcher

Bogdanov A.V.

A.V. Bogdanov,
PhD student, junior researcher

Pomogailo D.A.

D.A. Pomogailo,
PhD student

Zubanova E.M.

E.M. Zubanova,
PhD student

Ivanov K.

Konstantin Ivanov,
PhD student

Rakhmankulov E.

Eduard Rakhmankulov,

Proniuk G.

Proniuk Gleb,

Astakhova V.D.,
Stebunov N.S.,

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